Hour #1 Guests: Mark Walters - Host of Armed American Radio. Here to talk with us about why he and we are considered “alternative” media. Alternative to what? And who says we are some secondary choice? Maj Toure - is the Founder of Black Guns Matter (BGM), which is a group to help urban communities learn their gun rights and responsibilities and that "There is no white gun culture or black gun culture, there is an informed gun culture and an ignorant one." Maj has just been featured on the cover of TIME Magazine and been invited to the White House. Amanda Suffecool - is a Pro 2A leader, trainer, and educator, and the creator of the NRA Carry Guard Conceal Carry Fashion Show. She has had a big year – her Eye On The Target Radio Show has gone into syndication and she appeared in the movie White Boy Rick!

GunFreedomRadio EP134 Hr.1 How Do You Vote?

1:00pm, 3rd November

Segment Guest List

DC Project, Host of the syndicated radio show, “Eye On The Target” and she is the creator of the NRA Carry Guard Conceal Carry Fashion Show.

Amanda is a degreed engineer who spends her spare time sharing her love of country, constitution and specifically the 2nd Amendment with others. Amanda has been an NRA certified instructor for more than 13 years, in 8 different disciplines and has added FEMA, OSHA and now ALICE active shooter response trainer credentials to the mix.

In 2014 Amanda initiated the not for profit group REALIZE firearms awareness coalition. The Mission  of REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition is: to educate citizens as to the historical intent of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, to enable citizens to accurately relate and defend aspects of the U.S. Constitution, to enhance public awareness and support for responsible gun ownership, and to emphasize firearms education for women who facilitate the transmittal of constitutional awareness and gun ownership to succeeding generations.

Amanda, along with her brother Rob Campbell, host 5 hours of firearms education RADIO per week.   The show titled Eye on the Target is on terrestrial radio WNIR 100.1 Sunday nights from 7 to 9, and on internet radio KRMARadio.com Monday nights from 7 to 10.

In September of 2016 Amanda was been honored to be appointed to the Ohio Gun Owners Advisory Board for the Trump-Pence campaign.

Solutionary Community Center, is a political activist and educator. Maj has traveled to all 50 states, with his organization, educating people in urban America about their 2nd amendment rights. Black guns matter focuses on safe and legal firearms knowledge, conflict resolution, and the importance of the 2nd amendment. After years of serving the community, with the help of donations and voluntary support, Maj opened the Solutinary Center, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that not only provides local BGM classes to residents, but offers a host of community support, class, trades, and skills to people free of cost.  He is spreading a message of freedom, liberty, autonomy, and community empowerment taking it into communities that need it the most.

Maj has developed a “Solutionary” AR Platform Rifle.

“There is no white gun culture or black gun culture, there is an informed gun culture and an ignorant one.” – Maj Toure

To date, BGM has reached 17 urban communities from coast to coast including Philadelphia, Compton, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and Atlanta.  BGM Tour is funded by donors from across the country via a GoFundMe campaign.

Maj is a Solutionary Hip Hop artist and activist from North Philly. His following began after he was featured on the cover of the Philadelphia Weekly as “the Prophet of Philadelphia.” He founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for 2nd amendment education and information for urban communities. Maj has been featured in the New York Times, Breitbart News, National Public Radio, and NRANews for his out of the box approach to 2nd amendment advocacy.

In November of 2018 Maj appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, on their issue titled “Guns In America: What 245 Americans Think About The Issue.”

“The Second Amendment is color blind, and the human right to self-defense is meant for all people, including oft-forgotten individuals of urban communities,” – Maj Toure

Black Guns Matter in AZ

Hour #2 Guests: Sean Brodale, DO - a Board certified Family Practice physician in IA, primarily practicing in the ER, and is a member of Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), where he is involved in membership and public engagement projects. Dan Wos - author of Good Gun Bad Guy: Behind The Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical, the book that destroys the anti-gun Left and exposes all their lies and propaganda, and recently published a second book, Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative. Lately Dan has been helping us to decipher the language used by the Rights-Restrictors and Activist Journalists. Erin Palette - President of Pink Pistols and Founder of Operation Blazing Sword, providing LGBTQ-friendly Firearms Safety Education for the “Gun-Curious”. Erin is a blogger, podcaster, and public speaker. Erin is a Second Amendment activist (which frequently puts her at odds with the extreme left) and a transwoman (which frequently puts her at odds with the extreme right). Despite this, she still believes that both sides have more in common than in difference and tries to facilitate communication and understanding between the two. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US

GunFreedomRadio EP134 Hr.2 How Do You Vote?

1:00pm, 3rd November

Segment Guest List

“Good Gun Bad Guy” – book series.

He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications.

Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of “The Loaded Mic” and has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Armed American Radio, NRATV and many others.

Good Gun Bad Guy
Go behind the lies of the Anti-Gun Radicals. Find out what they hoped you would never know. The Book, Good Gun Bad Guy, by Dan Wos
Jan Morgan (FOX News Analyst and NRA firearms Instructor) endorsed Good Gun Bad Guy and wrote the Foreword. Jan and Dan actively advocate 2nd Amendment rights and do Speaking events together.
“It rips to shreds every argument of the anti-gun crowd  and has opened my eyes to the mentality of those people.”
~Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst/Certified NRA Instructor

Operation Blazing Sword is her project to match gun-curious LGBTQ people with friendly gun owners willing to instruct them in the basics of firearm safety and operation. Blazing Sword has instructors in all 50 states, and their locations and contact numbers can be found on this map. She founded her charity, Operation Blazing Sword, in the wake of the Pulse Massacre as a way to reach out to queer people who desired firearms for self-defense but didn’t feel safe learning to use them via traditional methods. Since then it has grown to encompass over 1,500 volunteer instructors across the entire USA as well as in Canada, Australia, and Europe.


GunBlog VarietyCast

Ms. Palette writes for multiple blogs, including the Blue Collar Prepper (“It doesn’t take a fortune to be prepared!”) and is co-hostess of the GunBlog VarietyCast (“Everything including the kitchen sink”).


GunFreedomRadio EP134 How Do You Vote?, Originally Aired 11.3.18

Hour #1 Guests:



Hour #2 Guests:



Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US

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