Gun Freedom Radio Blog

Rob Morse
Written on: November 9, 2016

Post Election Contemplations by Rob Morse

Post Election Contemplations by Rob Morse, author of the SlowFacts Blog wrote two thoughtful articles about the 2016 Presidential Election Results which we have combined here for your consideration. Election 2016 lists out several “losers” in the wake of the election. The list reads like a who’s-who of elitist groups who are out of step […]

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Cheryl Todd
Written on: November 5, 2016

Of, For, and By The People, by Cheryl Todd

Of, For, and By The People, by Cheryl Todd In describing our United States Government, we often hear people use the phrase “Of the People, for the People, and by the People”. It has a familiar ring, but from where did that saying originate? The Bible perhaps, or a movie? Does it make sense today […]

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Cheryl Todd
Written on: October 30, 2016

Seeing Red or Feeling Blue?: Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, by Cheryl Todd

Seeing Red or Feeling Blue?: Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, by Cheryl Todd As we approach the final stretch, and realize that the long, muddy, difficult road to the result of the 2016 Presidential Election is finally bringing us to our destination, are you seeing “Red” or feeling “Blue”? Politically speaking, […]

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Womens Outdoor News Logo
Written on: October 27, 2016

Considerations When Choosing a College: College Campus Carry, by Cheryl Todd

Gun Freedom Radio’s Co-Host, Cheryl Todd, writes a regular monthly article under “The Flame” on Women’s Outdoor News (WON). The following blog article titled Considerations When Choosing a College: College Campus Carry is her September submission. Ah, September – college campuses are all a bustle and the air is crackling with the promise of greatness. Open-mindedness is […]

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Cheryl Todd
Written on: October 24, 2016

Divided and Down, But Not Out, by Cheryl Todd

Transcript of a speech delivered by Cheryl Todd to the Fountain Hills Republican Club, Arizona 10.15.16 Divided and Down, But Not Out We have division in our house, but I bring you good news.  We have division in our house. And that sounds bad…right? A house divided cannot stand.  President Abraham Lincoln himself said that, […]

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