Considerations When Choosing a College: College Campus Carry, by Cheryl Todd

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Gun Freedom Radio’s Co-Host, Cheryl Todd, writes a regular monthly article under “The Flame” on Women’s Outdoor News (WON). The following blog article titled Considerations When Choosing a College: College Campus Carry is her September submission.

Ah, September – college campuses are all a bustle and the air is crackling with the promise of greatness.

Dr Lott Lecture Notes

Dr John R Lott’s Lecture Notes

Open-mindedness is the watchword of the day, open to absorbing new knowledge, open to exploring new ideas, open to allowing legal firearms and enacting Campus Conceal. At least, some campuses are. Let’s look at the groups and colleges that are helping to expand this horizon for college students.

#1) Students for Conceal Carry

From their website,

“Students for Concealed Carry is a student-run, national, non-partisan organization which advocates for legal concealed carry on college campuses in the United States as an effective means of self-defense.

Antonia Okafor

Antonia Okafor: Students For Conceal Carry

SCCC has two main functions. The first function is to dispel the common myths and misconceptions about concealed carry on college campuses, by making the public aware of the facts. The second function is to push state legislators and school administrators to grant concealed handgun license holders the same rights on college campuses that those licensees currently enjoy in most other unsecured locations.”

SCCC has eight regional offices across the United States… (READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE)


Cheryl Todd

Cheryl Todd Owner of AZFirearms Pot Of Gold Estate Liquidations Auctions and co-host of Gun Freedom Radio


Article originally published on 9.26.16, and has been reposted on Gun Freedom Radio Blog with permission.

To learn more about the author of this article, Cheryl Todd.

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