Theme: Of, For, and By The People Hour #1 Guests: - Bill Sansom – author and former law enforcement officer talking about Grant MaComber ‘s book on Self Defense with a firearm and defending yourself with a gun, staying alive, and staying legal all at the same time. - Adrianna Eschette – a citizen, an architect, who has decided to make a difference by becoming a Certified Firearms Instructor with The Well Armed Woman and has traveled to the nation’s capital as part of The DC Project - GOP Chairman Robert Graham – Robert Graham is Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, talking with us about a surge in Arizona Republican Voter Registration which has caused GOP voters to Outnumber Independents, Democrats

GunFreedomRadio EP54 Hr.1 Of, For, and By The People

1:00pm, 10th September

Segment Guest List

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

Donna Anthony in the shoothouse session

Donna Anthony in the shoothouse session

When introduced to The DC Project, I thought it was a great opportunity to connect with fellow firearm enthusiasts and work together with them to inform our federal legislators of our cause. For me, education is the key to safe firearm handling as well as preserving the sport for generations to come.”


2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants

2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants


AZ GOP: The Great Opportunity Party

Theme: Of, For, and By The People Hour #2 Guests: - J Thomas Rompel – Author of “The 4th Branch”- an action thriller based on real world events surrounding our southern border, terrorism, and politics. - Dr Sebastian Gorka – is an internationally recognized authority on issues of national security, irregular warfare, and terrorism here to discuss the consequences of The Vote this November. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP54 Hr.2 Of, For, and By The People

1:00pm, 10th September

Segment Guest List

America First with Sebastian Gorka“.

Dr. Gorka was born in the UK to parents who escaped Communism during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. He is a graduate of the University of London, and Corvinus University, Budapest, as well as Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and holds a Ph.D. in political science.

In the UK he served with 22 Company of the Intelligence and Security Group (V) of the British Territorial Army reserve but is now a proud American.

GunFreedomRadio EP54 Of, For, and By The People – Originally Aired on 9.10.16

Theme: Of, For, and By The People

Hour #1 Guests:

Bill Sansom – author and former law enforcement officer talking about Grant MaComber ‘s book on Self Defense with a firearm and defending yourself with a gun, staying alive, and staying legal all at the same time.

Adrianna Eschette – a citizen, an architect, who has decided to make a difference by becoming a Certified Firearms Instructor with The Well Armed Woman and has traveled to the nation’s capital as part of The DC Project

– GOP Chairman Robert Graham – Robert Graham is Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, talking with us about a surge in Arizona Republican Voter Registration which has caused GOP voters to Outnumber Independents, Democrats

Hour #2 Guests:

J Thomas Rompel – Author of “The 4th Branch”- an action thriller based on real world events surrounding our southern border, terrorism, and politics.

Dr Sebastian Gorka – is an internationally recognized authority on issues of national security, irregular warfare, and terrorism here to discuss the consequences of The Vote this November.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

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