Our Guests: Adrianna Eschete

Adrianna Eschete

About Adrianna Eschete

Adrianna Eschete is Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Certified Instructor, The Well Armed Woman Certified Instructor, The Well Armed Woman Louisiana State Leader, Leader of the Bayou Region Chapter of The Well Armed Woman, and a LSP Approved CHL Instructor.

In her own words: ” I am a registered architect in the states of Louisiana and Texas, a US Green Building Council LEED Accredited Professional, and certified as a LSUCCC Third Party Plan Reviewer. I am also the wife of Guido, a step-mom to Drew (19), and a mom to Gianna (4). I am a Brazilian/American and speak Portuguese fluently.adrianna-eschte-family

My interest in shooting began after meeting my husband. His mother was a gunsmith and a distinguished marksman, as was his older brother. My experience began in the hunting world so that I had something in common with my stepson, who was a member of Terrebonne Parish’s YHEC, competing nationally. I really didn’t expect to like it so much.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, my work led me to places where I felt the need to carry. So, my training began and through that training, I began to search for a platform for woman-to-woman instruction. I found TWAW and decided to start a local chapter. Through leading a large chapter, I have sought more training and education for myself and to share with our members.

Over the past 3 years, I have had the joy of educating women and men of all ages in safely handling firearms. I have enjoyed many travel opportunities and meeting many new people through the shooting sports. I have also seen so many families bond through enjoying the shooting sports and watched many people gain self-confidence through challenging their skills individually and with one another. Recently, I had the pleasure of co-hosting a regional TWAW event with Kim Condon in Mississippi which included members from chapters of 5 states. The experience was unforgettable!

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

Donna Anthony in the shoothouse session

Donna Anthony in the shoothouse session

When introduced to The DC Project, I thought it was a great opportunity to connect with fellow firearm enthusiasts and work together with them to inform our federal legislators of our cause. For me, education is the key to safe firearm handling as well as preserving the sport for generations to come.”


2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants

2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants

Shows Featuring Adrianna Eschete


Places you can find Adrianna Eschete

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