Hour #1 Guests: Jacqueline Carrizosa - an Extreme Athlete and Navy Veteran who competes in multi-disciplined shooting matches, is a Hollywood technical advisor, is involved in Stunt Work, and competes in dirt bike off-road races. She is also featured in a special Veteran's Day Project called "The Lionhearted Film" that will be playing in the Smithsonian, and the artwork will be forever hung in the Chicago's Veterans Art Museum. We are proud that she is also one of our staff members at AZF, and she will be here with us today to talk about the importance of Veteran’s Day. Zeke Stout – is a certified firearms specialist. He has served as an executive at one of the largest firearms, technology, and gunsmithing schools in the country. In that role, he was certified as a higher education professional in leadership, an Armorer in several platforms, including the 1911, and Penn arms grenade launcher. And Zeke is a celebrity judge for the competition series, “Master of Arms” on the Discovery Channel. Dianna Muller – is a retired police officer, Captain of Team Benelli 3-Gun, Co-host of Shooting Gallery on the Outdoor Channel, organizer of the DC Project, and has recently appeared on the cover of Time Magazine's “Guns In America” issue.

GunFreedomRadio EP135 Hr.1 About Time

1:00pm, 10th November

Segment Guest List

The DC Project: Women for Gun Rights, an educational, nonpartisan group of women from all 50 states who advocate for Second Amendment education over legislation. Gun rights are women’s rights and every woman must be prepared to be their own first responder. Women gun owners make firearms safety and education a top priority.

Dianna Muller

Photo Credit: Dave Weaver at Creigthon

DC Project Mission statement: We are women from all across the nation who are dedicated to safeguarding the Second Amendment and our right to self defense. The DC Project Foundation is a 501(c)4 organization.

In November of 2018 Dianna appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, on their issue titled “Guns In America: What 245 Americans Think About The Issue.”

Dianna also became well-known for her 2019 testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee on “Protecting America from Assault Weapons” (while sitting on the same panel as David Chipman) when she stated “I will not comply.” (At the 5:30 mark on the link)

Ryan & Dianna Muller

AZFirearms.com. She is both a customer consultant, aiding people in making informed decisions about their firearm purchases, as well as spearheading Social Media campaigns.

She is now involved in training with JP Rifles for another big match in December 2018.

Jacqueline is also featured in a Veteran’s Day Special Project. SafariLand has created a film called “The Lionhearted Film” that will be playing in the Smithsonian and the artwork will be forever hung in the Chicago’s Veterans Art Museum.

Master of Arms” on the Discovery Channel.

Zeke is a certified firearms specialist. He has served as an executive at one of the largest firearms, technology, and gunsmithing schools in the country. In that role, he was certified as a higher education professional in leadership, an Armorer in several platforms, including the 1911 and Penn arms grenade launcher.

Zeke is co-host of the Talking Lead Podcast. And also Projectile Dysfunction Radio.

In 2018, Zeke Hosted and joined a panel of celebrity judges for the Discovery Channel competition series, “Master of Arms”.

TUNE-IN: Master of Arms airs Fridays at 10 PM ET/PT on Discovery Channel.

Hour #2 Guests: Jeremy Griffin - is the Owner of Dropzone Gunner and Co-Owner of Grizzly Targets. Grizzly Targets specializes in reactive steel shooting targets and training equipment. And Dropzone Gunner is an industry-changing event that combines large obstacle course racing with a live fire AR-15 shooting competition. Mike Detty - a competitive shooter, a writer for gun magazines, law enforcement and military journals, and the author of the new book, Operation Wide Receiver: An Informant's Struggle to Expose the Corruption and Deceit That Led to Operation Fast and Furious. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US Sponsored by AZFirearms

GunFreedomRadio EP135 Hr.2 About Time

1:00pm, 10th November

Segment Guest List

GunFreedomRadio EP135 About Time, Originally Aired 11.10.18

Hour #1 Guests:



Hour #2 Guests:

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US

Sponsored by AZFirearms

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