The Self Defense Radio Network (SDRN) has so much talent, and such a wide variety of shows, styles, and focus of topics that if you can’t find something you like, you just aren’t trying! Here is a small sample platter of seven of those shows - ENJOY! Hour #1 Guests: Eye on the Target Radio with Amanda Suffecool & Rob Campbell - Rob and Amanda are a brother and sister shooting team. They co-host EyeOnTheTargetRadio, which is available in Podcast form at SDRN.US as well as live on the FM station WNIR in the Cleveland /Akron Ohio area – AND has just gone into syndication! EyeOnTheTargetRadio is an audience interactive show where callers call in and interact with Rob and Amanda. Discussions on the show range from Concealed carry to ballistics, Selecting a firearm to history of a favored gun. Rob is a gun historian that holds his own with the best in the industry, while Amanda is making a name as THE gal who leads Concealed Carry fashion shows across the nation. The Polite Society Podcast - The Polite Society Podcast is a weekly show that examines the news of the firearms industry, has interviews with people in and around the industry who influence gun rights, and examines defensive gun uses. The show is a team effort of some of the most passionate people in the industry and each writer and co-host brings a unique perspective and opinion to the show. Modern Self Protection - Modern Self Protection is a podcast about self-defense for everyday people, hosted by Ben Branam each week on Saturdays.

GunFreedomRadio EP131 Hr.1 SDRN Sample Platter

1:00pm, 13th October

Segment Guest List

DC Project, Host of the syndicated radio show, “Eye On The Target” and she is the creator of the NRA Carry Guard Conceal Carry Fashion Show.

Amanda is a degreed engineer who spends her spare time sharing her love of country, constitution and specifically the 2nd Amendment with others. Amanda has been an NRA certified instructor for more than 13 years, in 8 different disciplines and has added FEMA, OSHA and now ALICE active shooter response trainer credentials to the mix.

In 2014 Amanda initiated the not for profit group REALIZE firearms awareness coalition. The Mission  of REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition is: to educate citizens as to the historical intent of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, to enable citizens to accurately relate and defend aspects of the U.S. Constitution, to enhance public awareness and support for responsible gun ownership, and to emphasize firearms education for women who facilitate the transmittal of constitutional awareness and gun ownership to succeeding generations.

Amanda, along with her brother Rob Campbell, host 5 hours of firearms education RADIO per week.   The show titled Eye on the Target is on terrestrial radio WNIR 100.1 Sunday nights from 7 to 9, and on internet radio Monday nights from 7 to 10.

In September of 2016 Amanda was been honored to be appointed to the Ohio Gun Owners Advisory Board for the Trump-Pence campaign. He started his work in second amendment media as the owner and co-executive producer of the Polite Society Podcast on the Self Defense Radio Network (

Paul has had a lifelong familiarity with guns having grown up in Rural South Dakota and has most recently become deeply involved with the topic of self-defense. His growing displeasure with the state of the nation and the state of our government caused him to create the politics and guns podcast in early 2012. Since then the show has had a re-branding as the Polite Society Podcast and has grown to over 100 thousand monthly views and podcast downloads..

Some of the shows that Paul has a hand in producing are:

The Polite Society Podcast


The Daily Bullet


The Weekly Bullet


The Armed Society Podcast


The Second Amendment Foundation’s annual Gun Rights Policy Conference.


The 2020 2a Rally for Our Rights


He is also the video producer for Eye on the Target Radio


Paul is also the creator of Amm-Con!  Amm-Con is the Alternative Mass Media Conference. This conference is for Podcasters, Bloggers, YouTube creators, and anyone else in new media that has a connection to the 2nd Amendment Community.  Attendees will learn to make their media more effective and more successful.

Amm-Con Logo

Alternative Mass Media Conventions (AMM-CON) Workshop

Polite Society Podcast 11.21.15

Polite Society Podcast

The Self Defense Radio Network (SDRN) has so much talent, and such a wide variety of shows, styles, and focus of topics that if you can’t find something you like, you just aren’t trying! Here is a small sample platter of seven of those shows - ENJOY! Hour #2 Guests: The Armed Lutheran Radio. Joined by an amazing group of contributors and special guests, host Lloyd Bailey (The Armed Lutheran) brings you discussions on faith, firearms, and freedom. We talk about guns, the shooting sports, self-defense, hunting, the Second Amendment, and gun rights from a uniquely (and unapologetically) Lutheran perspective. American Guns Podcast with Matthew Disher –The American Guns Podcast aims to revolutionize the gun radio world. This show aims to be different. Matthew brings you a variety of content, and every week is a bit different. One week he might do a court case, the next we might do his signature ‘A Tale of Idiocy’. Matthew is a passionate host who isn’t afraid to tackle the political tensions between Left & Right. Tactical Pay Radio - TacticalPay Radio with Host, Brett Grayson. Tactical Pay radio is all about covering the fun, fascinating side of the firearms industry for firearms professionals and hobbyists alike. On this podcast, you’ll hear stories directly from the folks who make our industry tick. Featuring interviews with gun store operators, entrepreneurs, gun bloggers, retailers, gun rights advocates, and all of the awesome people who make up our community. From handgun shooting to hog hunting, from accounting to AR15’s… shotguns, rifles, accessories, concealed carry, trade shows, gun rights, sales trends, and more. If it’s in our industry, they’re going to talk about it! Responsibly Armed Citizen Report – will be handled by Rob Morse’s Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast, which brings you recent examples of armed civilians protecting themselves and those they love. Experienced firearms instructors comment on recent events. Were these gun owners lucky or were they well trained? What would you do if you were in their situation? Rob brings together experts in their field to teach us through a step by step, play by play way of talking about the elements of real-life “DGU” – Defensive Gun Use incidents. This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US Sponsored by AZFirearms

GunFreedomRadio EP131 Hr.2 SDRN Sample Platter

1:00pm, 13th October

Segment Guest List

Duty to Defend: Defending God’s Word From Those Who Misuse It In The Gun-Rights Debate

Armed Lutheran Radio Logo

Armed Lutheran Radio Logo

He is a North Carolina native who moved to Texas to pursue an employment opportunity in the Lone Star State in 2013. He regularly competes in IDPA competitions, is a Life Member of the NRA and Second Amendment Foundation, and has been blogging and podcasting about the intersection of Christianity and guns since 2012. Armed Lutheran Radio is a member of the Self Defense Radio Network and can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, and other major podcast services, and is heard weekly at noon Pacific on KRRC 94.3 The Bridge in Rogue River, Oregon.  Lloyd lives in Celina, Texas, with his wife of 23 years and their two children.

Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-host of the Polite Society Podcast.

He blogs at his  Slowfacts blog and his articles appear at OpsLens at Clash Daily.

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana.

GunFreedomRadio EP131 SDRN Sample Platter, Originally Aired on 10.13.18

The Self Defense Radio Network (SDRN) has so much talent, and such a wide variety of shows, styles, and focus of topics that if you can’t find something you like, you just aren’t trying! Here is a small sample platter of seven of those shows – ENJOY!

Hour #1 Guests:

Hour #2 Guests:

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SDRN.US

Sponsored by AZFirearms

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