Our Guests: Brett Grayson

Brett Grayson
Brett Grayson

About Brett Grayson

Brett Grayson, PhD, is a the host of Tactical Pay Radio.

Brett holds a PhD in Historical Studies and is a history teacher in Houston, Texas.

He has enjoyed learning about guns since his first Boy Scouts clay shoot in 1996. Brett is evangelistic about hearing and eye protection, and takes pride in being known as a “gun guy”!

Tactical Pay Radio is a fun, fascinating weekly podcast show, featuring in-depth interviews with leading figures in the firearms industry.

From handgun shooting to hog hunting, from accounting to AR15’s… shotguns, rifles, accessories, concealed carry, trade shows, gun rights, sales trends, and more. If it’s in our industry, we’re going to talk about it!

Shows Featuring Brett Grayson


Places you can find Brett Grayson

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