Hour #1 Guests: Trevor Santos – Director of Government Relations – State Affairs, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), focused on state legislation & regulations affecting the lawful commerce in firearms & ammunition products, hunting, and the shooting sports, primarily in the southeast and west coast regions. He is here to talk to us about why it is so important to get out the Gun Vote. Logan Metesh - an historian and writer who runs High Caliber History LLC and has worked for museums with the NRA, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Park Service, he is a frequent guest on NRATV, Mysteries at the Museum, Gun Stories with Joe Mantegna, NRA Gun Gurus, and American Rifleman TV. Tara Ross - is a lawyer and writer who focuses on the intersection among law, public policy, and constitutional history. She has authored multiple books, including The Indispensable Electoral College: How the Founders’ Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule and co-authored Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State.

GunFreedomRadio EP120 Hr.1 Place the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First

1:00pm, 28th July

Segment Guest List

High Caliber History LLC and has worked for museums with the NRA, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Park Service.
Logan’s work has been published in a variety of print and online outlets. He is a frequent guest on NRATV’s Curator’s Corner, and has served as an historic arms facilitator for Mysteries at the MuseumGun Stories with Joe Mantegna, NRA Gun Gurus, and American Rifleman TV.

The Indispensable Electoral College: How the Founders’ Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule (2017),  We Elect A President: The Story of our Electoral College (2016), and Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College (2d ed. 2012). She is also a co-author of Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State (2008) (with Joseph C. Smith, Jr.).

As a lawyer and writer, Tara focuses on the intersection among law, public policy, and constitutional history. She often appears as a guest on a variety of talk shows nationwide to discuss these matters and regularly addresses civic, university, and legal audiences. Her work has been published in several law reviews and newspapers, including the National Law JournalUSA Today, the American Enterprise OnlineNational Review OnlineWeeklyStandard.comFoxNews.comHumanEvents.comThe Washington Times, and the Texas Review of Law & Politics.

Tara is a retired lawyer and a former Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Review of Law & PoliticsShe obtained her B.A. from Rice University and her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. Tara and her husband Adam reside in Dallas with their two children.

Hour #2 Guests: Jeff Fine Jeff Fine currently serves as Court Administrator of the Maricopa County Justice Courts, a system of 26 community-based courts that address over 300,000 cases annually. Jeff knows firsthand what it means to serve and defend our country, uphold our laws and administer justice, and he cares deeply about our country and community, and he is seeking election to the office of Superior Court Clerk in Arizona. Chris Bird Author of Surviving A Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count The Police Are Still Minutes Away & Thank God I Had A Gun. Chris recently wrote an Op-Ed in The Washington Times titled, “Toward less gun control, not more, Eliminating gun-free zones is a good place to start.” Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net

GunFreedomRadio EP120 Hr.2 Place the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First

1:00pm, 28th July

Segment Guest List

GunFreedomRadio EP120 Place the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First, Originally Aired on 7.28.18

Hour #1 Guests:

Hour #2 Guests:

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net

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