Our Guests: Tara Ross

Tara Ross
Tara Ross

About Tara Ross

Tara Ross is the author of The Indispensable Electoral College: How the Founders’ Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule (2017),  We Elect A President: The Story of our Electoral College (2016), and Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College (2d ed. 2012). She is also a co-author of Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State (2008) (with Joseph C. Smith, Jr.).

As a lawyer and writer, Tara focuses on the intersection among law, public policy, and constitutional history. She often appears as a guest on a variety of talk shows nationwide to discuss these matters and regularly addresses civic, university, and legal audiences. Her work has been published in several law reviews and newspapers, including the National Law JournalUSA Today, the American Enterprise OnlineNational Review OnlineWeeklyStandard.comFoxNews.comHumanEvents.comThe Washington Times, and the Texas Review of Law & Politics.

Tara is a retired lawyer and a former Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Review of Law & PoliticsShe obtained her B.A. from Rice University and her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. Tara and her husband Adam reside in Dallas with their two children.

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