Theme: Raising Baby New Year Hour #1 Guests: - Chuck Holton - is the host of “Frontlines” an NRA TV Series, he’s an American war correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, a published author, and motivational speaker. - Lara Smith -the Vice President of the California chapter of the Liberal Gun Club, a national organization which seeks to ensure an educated, liberal voice in debates on gun control and the Second Amendment. She is here to talk to us about a new surge of interest among in guns and gun rights among Left leaning Liberals.

GunFreedomRadio EP70 Hr.1 Raising Baby New Year

1:00pm, 31st December

Segment Guest List

The Hot Zone Podcast.

Chuck Holton 6.11.16b

NRA News Line Of Duty Series: Frontlines

Holton has been a freelance cameraman for Fox news, following Ret. Lt. Col. Oliver North on his travels as host of War Stories with Oliver North on the Fox News Channel.

Holton was born in 1969 in Carson City, Nevada. At age 17 Holton joined the United States Army, shipping off to basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Holton is a graduate of both Airborne School and Ranger School, graduating Ranger class 3-89. Holton went on to attend Jumpmaster School, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare School and Assault Climber school, and was later an instructor at the United States Military Academy at Camp Buckner. Holton was deployed to Panama for Operation Just Cause, where he served as a team leader. He served four years with the 75th Ranger Regiment.

After four years of active duty, Holton joined the Wisconsin Army National guard, where he received training as a helicopter mechanic and eventually became trained as an Aeroscout Observer, flying the Bell OH-58 Kiowa Helicopter. His awards and decorations include the Army Service Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Senior Parachutist Badge, Ranger tab, Expert Infantryman Badge, and Combat Infantryman Badge.

Chuck Holton 6.11.16a

Book: Making Men: Five Steps To Growing Up, by Chuck Holton

Holton is the author of seven books:

He has also collaborated with Oliver North on two books:

Lara Cullinane Smith 7.02.16a

Lara C. Smith is a founding partner with Shrem & Smith, Attorneys At Law.

Says Lara, “I’m La former anti-gunner whose USMC husband convinced me to learn to shoot so I’d be better able to understand the arguments I was making. 2 1/2 years later, I’m the Vice President of the Liberal Gun Club, California Chapter, a member of the DC Project, and an amateur competitor in shotgun and rimfire, and am opening a chapter of a Girl and a Gun in the San Francisco Bay area.  I also write and speak on Constitutional issues relating to firearms, and on California gun laws in particular.  I own a wide variety of firearms and one of the best experiences of my life was helligunning at the Girl and a Gun National Conference this year.”

The mission of The Liberal Gun Club is to provide a voice for gun-owning liberals and moderates in the national conversation on gun rights, gun legislation, firearms safety, and shooting sports. The Liberal Gun Club serves as a national forum for all people, irrespective of their personal political beliefs, to discuss firearms ownership, firearms use, and the enjoyment of firearms-related activities free from the destructive elements of political extremism that dominate this subject on the national scale. The Liberal Gun Club also actively develop and foster a variety of programs for the purpose of firearms training and firearms safety education, for both gun owners and non-gun owners.

Liberal Gun Club Logo

The Liberal Gun Club. Our members come from every political ideology – Libertarian, Independent, Democrat, Republican, Green, etc.

Theme: Raising Baby New Year Hour #2 Guests: - Lars Dalseide - Spokesman for the NRA-ILA – the Institute For Legislative Action, and is the former producer of NRA News - Minista Jazz is Black Guns Matter movement's deescaltion specialist, educating and engaging traditionally oppressed communities about their rights as US citizens, particularly regarding 2A. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP70 Hr.2 Raising Baby New Year

1:00pm, 31st December

Segment Guest List

GunFreedomRadio EP70 Raising Baby New Year – Originally Aired on 12.31.16

Gun Freedom Radio Theme:  Raising Baby New Year

Hour #1 Guests:

Chuck Holton – is the host of “Frontlines” an NRA TV Series, he’s an American war correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, a published author, and motivational speaker.

Lara Smith -the Vice President of the California chapter of the Liberal Gun Club, a national organization which seeks to ensure an educated, liberal voice in debates on gun control and the Second Amendment. She is here to talk to us about a new surge of interest among in guns and gun rights among Left leaning Liberals.

– Hour #2 Guests:

Lars Dalseide –  Spokesman for the NRA-ILA – the Institute For Legislative Action, and is the former producer of NRA News

– Minista Jazz is Black Guns Matter movement’s conflict de-escalation and conflict resolution specialist, educating and engaging traditionally oppressed communities about their rights as US citizens, particularly regarding 2A.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

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