Theme: Fitness & Firearms Hour #1 Guests: - Scott Lavin - Wildlife Recreation Branch Chief, AZ Game and Fish Department talking about BLM seeking public input on target shooting management alternatives for the Sonoran Desert National Monument. - Brian Hill – Brian Hill is the founder and head Coach of The Complete Combatant and Fusion Fitness and Mixed Martial Arts in Marietta, GA. Brian has over 30 years experience in training and instructional combative firearm techniques and Martial Arts, and recently helped us to write a blog article on fitness advantages to firearms training.

GunFreedomRadio EP72 Hr.1 Fitness & Firearms

1:00pm, 14th January

Segment Guest List

Rangemaster Certified Master Instructor, and a Certified Red Dot Instructor and an Endorsed Instructor with Modern Samurai Project. Brian holds a Force Science Analyst Certification and is also certified by Massad Ayoob Group as a Deadly Force Instructor

Brian is a 4th degree Black belt in Jiu Jitsu, has graduated from The Law Of Self Defense Instructor program and is a form deputy with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department.

“I have been a Martial Arts student in the Marietta, Georgia area since I was 14, and an instructor since I was 18. Training & instructing in combative firearm techniques, martial arts, and physical fitness have always been my passion. I believe that you must be a student for life and train to be creative and adapt. Look for opportunities that may save your life in a combative situation. I live in Woodstock with my wife Shelley “the indispensable organizational wizard”, I have a beautiful step-daughter Alexandria, a “like minded” son-in-law Clay, and 2 amazing grandchildren Emmett and Grayson. I am very blessed”.
You are the weapon,
Brian Hill

Brian Hill is a Rangemaster Certified Instructor of  Tom Givens Rangemaster’s  Instructor Development Course and has trained in Pistol, Rifle and Precision Rifle for many years as an instructor and a student.

Brian Hill has GRADUATED with HONORS (A = Excellent per Andrew Branca) from Andrew Branca’s Law of Self Defense Instructor Program! This program provides professional-level understanding of the theory and application of self-defense law. This will provide a foundation of knowledge of the theory and application of self-defense law, at a depth unavailable anywhere but law school (and not even in the large majority of those). As a result, our students can be confident that our self-defense law instruction is well-informed and tested, our ability to analyze the legal aspects of hypothetical self-defense scenarios is well-founded, and that Brian can be trusted to advise you when you need to consult with an actual attorney.

Brian is a member of Active Self Protection‘s (ASP) Instructor Development Portal and is one of the qualified instructors listed on ASP’s Instructor Directory on behalf of The Complete Combatant and Fusion MMA.

Complete Combatant

Brian Hill is a Board Member at Racheal’s Rest. Racheal’s Rest is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers private counseling and five-day restorative retreat programs designed to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of survivors. They exist to help women and children who experienced sexual abuse or acts of violence regain their balance in life. Racheal’s Rest is Fusion MMA and The Complete Combatant’s featured charity. We invite you to visit Racheal’s Rest’s website and please consider donating a gift of any size. THANK YOU!

Remember the overused, yet perfect cliché is real….”YOU ARE THE WEAPON AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST A TOOL”.

Brian helped author a Blog article on the subject of Fitness & Firearms for the Women’s Outdoor News. Read the entire article here.

Racheals Rest Logo

Crossroads Center for Christian Ministries, Inc. offers private counseling and five-day restorative retreat programs designed to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of violence survivors.




Arizona Game & Fish Department Logo

He Chairs the Steering Committee for the Hunting and Angling Heritage Workgroup. On the national level, he serves on the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies committee for Hunter, Angler, Shooting Sports and Wildlife Participation. He also applies his 25 years of leadership to support the Outdoor Industry Business Summit on both state and national levels.

Before joining the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Scott was an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army National Guard in addition to leading award-winning regional teams for The Home Depot and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Scott also has become part of Shot Heard ‘Round the World Day! Shot Heard Round the World Day is a light-hearted annual event held at participating ranges that provides recreational shooters a safe opportunity to celebrate the birth of a nation. At 7:30 am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts. This annual event provides enthusiasts and patriots a safe and structured opportunity to gather socially and commemorate the first shot fired of the American Revolution.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Scott Lavin

Scott Lavin of AZ Game & Fish Department

Theme: Fitness & Firearms Hour #2 Guests: - Chris Wagoner – Chris Wagoner who is an OpsLens Contributor, a U.S. Army Veteran, and has been in law enforcement for the last 35+ years. We are going to ask Chris what to do when we interact with police? - Adam Ratigan of MantisX Training System that gives you Instant feedback on your target practice! This training system diagnoses and coaches you on areas where you need improvement! Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP72 Hr.2 Fitness & Firearms

1:00pm, 14th January

Segment Guest List

GunFreedomRadio EP72 Fitness & Firearms – Originally Aired on 1.14.17

Gun Freedom Radio EP72  Theme:  Fitness & Firearms

Hour #1 Guests:

Scott Lavin  – Wildlife Recreation Branch Chief, AZ Game and Fish Department talking about BLM seeking public input on target shooting management alternatives for the Sonoran Desert National Monument.

Brian Hill – Brian Hill is the founder and head Coach of The Complete Combatant and Fusion Fitness and Mixed Martial Arts in Marietta, GA. Brian has over 30 years experience in training and  instructional combative firearm techniques and Martial Arts, and recently helped us to write a blog article on fitness advantages to firearms training. Brian helped author a Blog article on the subject of Fitness & Firearms for the Women’s Outdoor News. Read the entire article here.

Hour #2 Guests:

Chris Wagoner – Chris Wagoner who is an OpsLens Contributor, a U.S. Army Veteran, and has been in law enforcement for the last 35+ years. We are going to ask Chris what to do when we interact with police?

– Adam Ratigan of MantisX Training System that gives you Instant feedback on your target practice! This training system diagnoses and coaches you on areas where you need improvement!

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

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