Gun Freedom Radio Theme: How To Have A Merry Christmas
Hour #1 Guests:
– Rio Lewis – General Manager of Modern Round – part virtual shooting range meets part upscale lounge. It’s a something fun to do with your Holiday Guests while they are visiting Phoenix.
– Marc Victor – is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist here to tell us the five things every gun owner should know.
– Hour #2 Guests:
– Stephen Gutowski – is a writer at the Washington Free Beacon, and was recently awarded the Journalist of the Year Award at the GRPC and he is here to talk with us about a couple of his latest articles.
– Jeff Glaze – is a training, technical, and leadership consultant. He is an advocate for innovative and lasting solutions for conflict de-escalation and resolution. And he will be here to help us survive our Holiday Social Gatherings…and Dinner Table Discussions…and Facebook Debates…and marriage…and just having other people who you share a blood line with, but no political similarities at all…
– Lewis Wagoner – Lewis Wagoner is an OpsLens Contributor and former Navy SEAL – and is here to tell us about his personal experience as a Responsibly Armed Citizen
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