Theme: How To Have A Merry Christmas Hour #1 Guests: - Rio Lewis – General Manager of Modern Round - part virtual shooting range meets part upscale lounge. It’s a something fun to do with your Holiday Guests while they are visiting Phoenix. - Marc J Victor - is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist here to tell us the five things every gun owner should know.

GunFreedomRadio EP69 Hr.1 How To Have A Merry Christmas

1:00pm, 24th December

Segment Guest List

Arizona State bar certified specialist in criminal law Bar License 016064 who has been zealously representing clients in serious state and federal criminal law matters for well over thirty years.  As a long time freedom activist, Mr. Victor is regularly invited to speak to audiences across Arizona on a variety of issues including ending the drug war, the rights of gun owners, the free market, criminal justice issues as well as a variety of other criminal law related issues.  He has twice debated Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery on the drug war.

Mr. Victor has represented clients in more than a thousand major felony cases including first and second-degree murder, sex cases, gun cases, major drug cases, complex white collar cases, federal appeals, and other complex state and federal matters. His jury trial experience includes several murder trials including death eligible matters as well as complex sex and drug cases including both state and federal courts.  He has also successfully argued before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

Mr. Victor has successfully represented clients in many high-profile and media attention cases; including representing Elizabeth Johnson in the nationally televised “Baby Gabriel” case.  To watch his winning closing argument in that case, click here. He also represents clients in high-profile civil rights and personal injury matters.

Mr. Victor has been quoted locally, nationally and internationally on radio, television, in print and in person as a legal commentator and expert on many local and national cases.  He was an expert legal commentator for local NBC 12 News for the Jodi Arias casemarc-j-victor-12-24-16b-png

Modern Round Shooting Lounge

Modern Round Shooting Lounge

Modern Round is an exhilarating and empowering new entertainment concept for the adrenaline seeker in all of us. It’s part virtual shooting range meets part upscale lounge. You’ll experience state-of-the-art technology that feels as real as shooting a live gun. But instead of using live ammo, you’ll be at the center of a simulated world where you’re placed right into the action.

Gunslingers, zombie slayers, first-time shooters and expert marksmen will all find opportunities to get together and build their shooting and social skills. Modern Round is designed to be the perfect place that goes beyond the expected night out. It’s the modern way to come together and get out of the ordinary.


Theme: How To Have A Merry Christmas - Hour #2 Guests: - Stephen Gutowski – is a writer at the Washington Free Beacon, and was recently awarded the Defender of Liberty Award at the GRPC and he is here to talk with us about a couple of his latest articles. - Jeff Glaze – is a training, technical, and leadership consultant. He is an advocate for innovative and lasting solutions for conflict resolution. And he will be here to help us survive our Holiday Social Gatherings…and Dinner Table Discussions…and Facebook Debates…and marriage…and just having other people who you share a blood line with, but no political similarities at all… - Lewis Wagoner - Lewis Wagoner is an OpsLens Contributor and former Navy SEAL – and is here to tell us about his personal experience as a Responsibly Armed Citizen

GunFreedomRadio EP69 Hr.2 How To Have A Merry Christmas

1:00pm, 24th December

Segment Guest List

opslens-logo provides daily print and video commentary on the world’s most trending and critical stories related to national security, public policy and other matters of state through the lens of experience.

The OpsLens staff of contributors is comprised of former intelligence, law enforcement and military operators that have more than 100 deployments to both conventional and hostile areas around the globe performing counterterrorism, counterdrug, counterintelligence, traditional espionage and other unique operations.  Our team brings experience from the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA and the United States military, to include Army Rangers, Army Special Forces, Navy Seals and Marines to name a few. Additionally, the OpsLens staff includes former diplomats, politicians and industry leaders who understand the inner-workings of some of the world’s most difficult problems.

GunFreedomRadio EP69 How To Have A Merry Christmas – Originally Aired on 12.24.16

Gun Freedom Radio Theme:  How To Have A Merry Christmas

Hour #1 Guests:

Rio Lewis – General Manager of Modern Round – part virtual shooting range meets part upscale lounge. It’s a something fun to do with your Holiday Guests while they are visiting Phoenix.

Marc Victor –  is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist here to tell us the five things every gun owner should know.

– Hour #2 Guests:

Stephen Gutowski – is a writer at the Washington Free Beacon, and was recently awarded the Journalist of the Year Award at the GRPC and he is here to talk with us about a couple of his latest articles.

– Jeff Glaze – is a training, technical, and leadership consultant.  He is an advocate for innovative and lasting solutions for conflict de-escalation and resolution.  And he will be here to help us survive our Holiday Social Gatherings…and Dinner Table Discussions…and Facebook Debates…and marriage…and just having other people who you share a blood line with, but no political similarities at all…

Lewis Wagoner – Lewis Wagoner is an OpsLens Contributor and former Navy SEAL – and is here to tell us about his personal experience as a Responsibly Armed Citizen

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