Theme: Walking The Talk Hour #1 Guests: - Laura Carno - a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government. She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of the book “Government Ruins Nearly Everything”. We will be talking today about a new article she wrote titled, “Keeping Kids Safe In A Broken World”. - Scott Cook - Arizona Ranger Lieutenant Scott Cook is the Executive and Public Relations Officer for Agua Fria Company, Arizona Rangers.

GunFreedomRadio EP50 Hr.1 Walking the Talk

1:00pm, 13th August

Segment Guest List

Independent Women’s Forum, and the FASTERColorado Charter.

Laura has dedicated herself to setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and through her political media company, she helped to recall Senator John Morse with her “Don’t you Dare” campaign, and helped to send Mark Udall home with her Udall Lied campaign. She is active in Coloradans For Civil Liberties, an organization helping to win back the gun rights lost in Colorado in 2013.

Laura is also an advocate for school safety and the FASTER Saves Lives program, which stands for Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response and has started a Charter of that program in her home state of Colorado under the name of

Arizona Territorial Legislature in 1901. Modeled after Texas Rangers, the Arizona Rangers were created to deal with the infestations of outlaws in the sparsely populated Arizona Territory, especially along the Mexican border.

Arizona Rangers Lt  Scott Cook

Today’s Modern Arizona Rangers are recognized by Arizona Revised Statues (ARS Title 41) as a non-paid, non-commissioned civilian auxiliary that is available for the purposes of assistance to and support of law enforcement in Arizona.

The Rangers were an elite, well-trained, and originally a secretive agency mounted on quality horses and well equipped with modern weapons at the state’s expense. After eight years of operation, the Rangers had rustlers and outlaws on the run and with their extremely efficient success came their untimely demise. In 1909, due to politics, the Arizona Rangers were disbanded… delegated to the pages of history and folklore.

In the late 1950’s four of the original Territorial Arizona Rangers decided it was time to come out of retirement. On November 22, 1957 the Arizona Rangers were re-established as a volunteer organization and continue to operate to this day.

If you are interested in joining the Arizona Rangers, we may be contacted at:

State Website: www.AZRangers.US
Company Website:

Theme: Walking The Talk Hour #2 Guests: - Dr Tim Wheeler - Timothy W. Wheeler, MD, founder of the Doctors for Responsible Gun Owners (DRGO) talking about Florida’s Docs vs Glocks law passed in 2011 and the court battles over it, which is about doctors asking their patients about their guns - Kim Condon - Kim Condon is the DC Project Delegate from Mississippi, a small business owner, and an NRA Certified Instructor. - Knox Williams - Knox Williams is the President and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association (ASA), a non-profit trade association which represents the suppressor industry. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Tip Of The Week

GunFreedomRadio EP50 Hr.2 Walking the Talk

1:00pm, 13th August

Segment Guest List

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

Adrianna Eschete & Kim Condon at TWAW Purple PowWow 2017

2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants

2017 TWAW Mid-South Purple PowWow participants

Kim Condon 08.13.16a.jpg

Boondocks Logo.jpg

Boondocks Firearms Training Academy

GunFreedomRadio EP50 Walking the Talk – Originally Aired on 8.13.16

Theme:  Walking The Talk

Hour #1 Guests:

–  Laura Carno – a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of the book “Government Ruins Nearly Everything”.  We will be talking today about a new article she wrote titled, “Keeping Kids Safe In A Broken World”.

Scott Cook – Arizona Ranger Lieutenant Scott Cook is the Executive and Public Relations Officer for Agua Fria Company, Arizona Rangers.

Hour #2 Guests:

Dr Tim Wheeler – Timothy W. Wheeler, MD, founder of the Doctors for Responsible Gun Owners (DRGO) talking about Florida’s Docs vs Glocks law passed in 2011 and the court battles over it, which is about doctors asking their patients about their guns

Kim Condon – Kim Condon is the DC Project Delegate from Mississippi, a small business owner, and an NRA Certified Instructor.

Knox Williams – Knox Williams is the President and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association (ASA), a non-profit trade association which represents the suppressor industry.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Tip Of The Week

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