Our Guests: Timothy W. Wheeler, MD

Tim Wheeler 08.13.16
Timothy W. Wheeler, MD

About Timothy W. Wheeler, MD

Timothy W. Wheeler, MD, founder of the Doctors for Responsible Gun Owners (DRGO)

Dr. Timothy Wheeler is a southern California surgeon and the founder and director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), a project of the Second Amendment Foundation.  DRGO is a nationwide group of 1,400 medical doctors, scientists, allied health professionals, and students who support the safe and lawful use of firearms. Our mission is to counter the public health and medical establishment’s assault on our civil right of firearm ownership. Currently we are expanding membership and recruiting action teams for writing, scientific publication review, member development, media interface, and social media editing and content management.

DRGO Logo.jpg

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), a project of the Second Amendment Foundation.

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