Theme: The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions Hour #1 Guests: - Michael Maharrey - serves as the national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, which is the nation’s leading source for constitutional education and nullification activism, and whose motto is “Follow the Constitution: Every issue, every time. No exceptions, no excuses.” - Kimberly Corban - Mother, Sexual Assault Survivor, and Second Amendment Advocate. One of the ladies who joined us on The DC Project, and you will recognize her voice as being in two of the new NRA commercials!

GunFreedomRadio EP48 Hr.1 The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions

1:00pm, 30th July

Segment Guest List, the New York Times, and countless other online publications. She is a contributor to Bearing Arms, Conservative Review, and is a regular commentary guest on the NRA News program Cam & Company.


Michael Maharrey 6.04.16a

The Tenth Amendment Center is the nation’s leading source for constitutional education and nullification activism.

TAC works towards this goal in two ways: education and activism. We seek to teach people about the original meaning of the Constitution. And, we lead powerful grassroots coalitions to use nullification as a means to block federal overreach.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution Of The United States Of America, is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.

Theme: The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions Hour #2 Guests: - Frank Miniter – author and contributor to Forbes Magazine, who recently wrote an article about “Operation Chokepoint”. What is Operation Chokepoint you ask? Well, here is a hint…his article is titled How Anti-Gun Ideology Is Cutting Off Money From Legal Businesses - Regis Giles – is the creator and owner of Girls Just Wanna Have and is a leading voice for Second Amendment rights, self-defense and conservation. Girls Just Wanna Have Guns goal is to motivate women all over the world to prepare themselves for any threat they may encounter. (*We were unable to connect with Regis for today's show, but will reschedule her soon!*) - Captain Clay Higgins - Captain Higgins has become one of the nation’s most influential cops, regularly speaking to law enforcement agencies across America. Higgins is a strong advocate of what he calls… “The sacred oath of the badge”. He currently serves as Deputy Marshal for the City of Lafayette, and announced his intention to be elected to Congress on May 18, 2016. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Tip Of The Week

GunFreedomRadio EP48 Hr.2 The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions

1:00pm, 30th July

Segment Guest List

American Hunter, and also writes for National Review, Boys’ Life, FOX News, The Washington Times, American Rifleman, Washington Examiner, and many other publications.

Miniter has been a guest on hundreds of radio shows, including Dennis Miller, Dick Morris, Michael Reagan, Radio America Network, Janet Mefferd, Lars Larson, NRA News, Tom Gresham’s GunTalk, The Mancow Experience, and Rusty Humphries. He has also been a guest on FOX News, The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, One America News’On Point with Tomi Lahren, Townhall’s Capitol Source, NewsmaxTV’s Midpoint, NewsmaxTV’s America’s Forum, the Christian Broadcast Network, Washington’s D.C.’s Local News 8 ABC, NRA News on the Sportsmen’s Channel, Glen Beck’s show on The Blaze TV, and He has hosted many outdoor television shows, including American Hunter and Born to Hunt, and has given seminars and speeches to many large audiences.

Miniter is the author of The New York Times’ Bestseller The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide—Recovering the Lost Art of Manhood. Miniter’s other books include The Politically Incorrect Guide to Hunting, Saving the Bill of Rights, and The Future of the Gun.

GunFreedomRadio EP48 The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions – Originally Aired On 7.30.16

Theme: The Constitution’s Curtain Call at the Conventions

Hour #1 Guests:

Michael Maharrey – serves as the national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, which is the nation’s leading source for constitutional education and nullification activism, and whose motto is “Follow the Constitution: Every issue, every time. No exceptions, no excuses.”

– Kimberly Corban – Mother, Sexual Assault Survivor, and Second Amendment Advocate. One of the ladies who joined us on The DC Project, and you will recognize her voice as being in two of the new NRA commercials!

Hour #2 Guests:

Frank Miniter – author and contributor to Forbes Magazine, who recently wrote an article about “Operation Chokepoint”. What is Operation Chokepoint you ask? Well, here is a hint…his article is titled How Anti-Gun Ideology Is Cutting Off Money From Legal Businesses

Regis Giles – is the creator and owner of Girls Just Wanna Have and is a leading voice for Second Amendment rights, self-defense and conservation. Girls Just Wanna Have Guns goal is to motivate women all over the world to prepare themselves for any threat they may encounter. (*We were unable to connect with Regis for today’s show, but will reschedule her soon!*)

Captain Clay Higgins – Captain Higgins has become one of the nation’s most influential cops, regularly speaking to law enforcement agencies across America. Higgins is a strong advocate of what he calls… “The sacred oath of the badge”. He currently serves as Deputy Marshal for the City of Lafayette, and announced his intention to be elected to Congress on May 18, 2016.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Tip Of The Week

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