Theme: Whose Rights Are Right? Hour #1 Guests: - Frank Miniter - an investigative journalist, contributor to Forbes, NRA America’s 1st Freedom, and many other sites & publications, and the author of the book “The Future Of The Gun”. - Lara Smith – attorney and member of the Liberal Gun Club in CA - Todd Jostes - CEO of National Academy Of Outdoor Survival & Host of Into The Wilderness AZ

GunFreedomRadio EP44 Hr.1 Whose Rights Are Right? Originally Aired on 7.02.16

1:00pm, 2nd July

Segment Guest List

American Hunter, and also writes for National Review, Boys’ Life, FOX News, The Washington Times, American Rifleman, Washington Examiner, and many other publications.

Miniter has been a guest on hundreds of radio shows, including Dennis Miller, Dick Morris, Michael Reagan, Radio America Network, Janet Mefferd, Lars Larson, NRA News, Tom Gresham’s GunTalk, The Mancow Experience, and Rusty Humphries. He has also been a guest on FOX News, The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, One America News’On Point with Tomi Lahren, Townhall’s Capitol Source, NewsmaxTV’s Midpoint, NewsmaxTV’s America’s Forum, the Christian Broadcast Network, Washington’s D.C.’s Local News 8 ABC, NRA News on the Sportsmen’s Channel, Glen Beck’s show on The Blaze TV, and He has hosted many outdoor television shows, including American Hunter and Born to Hunt, and has given seminars and speeches to many large audiences.

Miniter is the author of The New York Times’ Bestseller The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide—Recovering the Lost Art of Manhood. Miniter’s other books include The Politically Incorrect Guide to Hunting, Saving the Bill of Rights, and The Future of the Gun.

Lara Cullinane Smith 7.02.16a

Lara C. Smith is a founding partner with Shrem & Smith, Attorneys At Law.

Says Lara, “I’m La former anti-gunner whose USMC husband convinced me to learn to shoot so I’d be better able to understand the arguments I was making. 2 1/2 years later, I’m the Vice President of the Liberal Gun Club, California Chapter, a member of the DC Project, and an amateur competitor in shotgun and rimfire, and am opening a chapter of a Girl and a Gun in the San Francisco Bay area.  I also write and speak on Constitutional issues relating to firearms, and on California gun laws in particular.  I own a wide variety of firearms and one of the best experiences of my life was helligunning at the Girl and a Gun National Conference this year.”

The mission of The Liberal Gun Club is to provide a voice for gun-owning liberals and moderates in the national conversation on gun rights, gun legislation, firearms safety, and shooting sports. The Liberal Gun Club serves as a national forum for all people, irrespective of their personal political beliefs, to discuss firearms ownership, firearms use, and the enjoyment of firearms-related activities free from the destructive elements of political extremism that dominate this subject on the national scale. The Liberal Gun Club also actively develop and foster a variety of programs for the purpose of firearms training and firearms safety education, for both gun owners and non-gun owners.

Liberal Gun Club Logo

The Liberal Gun Club. Our members come from every political ideology – Libertarian, Independent, Democrat, Republican, Green, etc.

Theme: Whose Rights Are Right? Hour #2 Guests: - Laura Carno - a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government. She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of “Government Ruins Nearly Everything” - Scott Lavin - the organizer of “Shot Heard Round The World Day” Responsibly Armed Citizen Report – The American Revolution Dan’s Tip Of The Week

GunFreedomRadio EP44 Hr.2 Whose Rights Are Right? Originally Aired on 7.02.16

1:00pm, 2nd July

Segment Guest List

Independent Women’s Forum, and the FASTERColorado Charter.

Laura has dedicated herself to setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and through her political media company, she helped to recall Senator John Morse with her “Don’t you Dare” campaign, and helped to send Mark Udall home with her Udall Lied campaign. She is active in Coloradans For Civil Liberties, an organization helping to win back the gun rights lost in Colorado in 2013.

Laura is also an advocate for school safety and the FASTER Saves Lives program, which stands for Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response and has started a Charter of that program in her home state of Colorado under the name of


Arizona Game & Fish Department Logo

He Chairs the Steering Committee for the Hunting and Angling Heritage Workgroup. On the national level, he serves on the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies committee for Hunter, Angler, Shooting Sports and Wildlife Participation. He also applies his 25 years of leadership to support the Outdoor Industry Business Summit on both state and national levels.

Before joining the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Scott was an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army National Guard in addition to leading award-winning regional teams for The Home Depot and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Scott also has become part of Shot Heard ‘Round the World Day! Shot Heard Round the World Day is a light-hearted annual event held at participating ranges that provides recreational shooters a safe opportunity to celebrate the birth of a nation. At 7:30 am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts. This annual event provides enthusiasts and patriots a safe and structured opportunity to gather socially and commemorate the first shot fired of the American Revolution.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Scott Lavin

Scott Lavin of AZ Game & Fish Department

GunFreedomRadio EP44 Whose Rights Are Right? Originally Aired on 7.02.16

Theme:  Whose Rights Are Right?

Hour #1 Guests:

Frank Miniter – an investigative journalist, contributor to Forbes, NRA America’s 1st Freedom, and many other sites & publications, and the author of the book “The Future Of The Gun”.

Lara Smith – attorney and member of the Liberal Gun Club in CA

Todd Jostes –  CEO of National Academy Of Outdoor Survival & Host of Into The Wilderness AZ

Hour #2 Guests:

–  Laura Carno – a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of “Government Ruins Nearly Everything”

Scott Lavin – the organizer of “Shot Heard Round The World Day”

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report – The American Revolution

Dan’s Tip Of The Week

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