Hour #1 Guests: - Ashley Hlebinsky - the Robert W. Woodruff Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Hlebinsky is the first female firearm curator at the most prestigious firearms museum in the United States, and she is the recipient of the prestigious NSSF/POMA Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator of the Year Award!  Ashley just hosted a gathering of Museum Curators from across the globe on the topic of “Ethics of Firearms in Museums”. - Beth Baumann - Social Media Writer at Townhall Media where she runs evening and weekend social media for the network. She also contributes frequently to Townhall's Notebook section and Twitchy. Beth recently wrote an article about measures being taken by the UN to impact the gun rights of American citizens.

GunFreedomRadio EP112 Hr.1 Memorial Day 2018

1:00pm, 31st May

Segment Guest List

The Gun Code, LLC – Firearms History & Industry Consulting. Ashley is an expert witness, a historian and former curator to the Cody Firearms Museum. Ashley testified at the 2021 Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, in a hearing titled: Stop Gun Violence: Ghost Guns.

Ashley is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on firearms history.  Recently, she served as  both Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) and Project Director for the museum’s multimillion dollar renovation that reopened in July 2019. Due to her and her team’s efforts, the museum has received positive reviews from both gun and mainstream media and is seen as the premiere gun museum in the world that fosters dialogue for a range of diverse audiences

Additionally, Hlebinsky is a highly sought-after museum consultant, guest speaker, writer, expert witness in the US and Canada, and a television host and producer.

In 2018, she founded the first academic association in the United States for the study of firearms history. As a historian who remains apolitical, Hlebinsky holds a unique niche in the field of firearms, engaging with many communities, including industry, academic, and media. She actively works to increase the level of scholarship in the United States to help create a better understanding of guns for the public. This work directly impacts legislation as well as university curriculum.

In response to her public education, she was awarded the NSSF/POMA Shooting Sports Communicator of the Year award and recently accepted the position of Curator Emerita and Senior Firearms Scholar at the CFM – an honor typically reserved for the end of one’s career – as well as Adjunct Scholar of Firearms History, Technology and Culture for the Firearms Policy Coalition, so that she can continue to expand her advocacy beyond the walls of the museum.

Ashley also has many TV credits to her name, including in 2018, when she joined a panel of celebrity judges for the Discovery Channel competition series, “Master of Arms”.

Hour #2 Guests: - Alan “Krutch” Krutchkoff  - the President of Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, Inc. which supports Camp 4 Heroes. This non-profit charity that has been improving the morale of America’s warriors in harm’s way since April 2003. And Camp 4 Heroes is a “retreat for life” in North Carolina aimed at suicide prevention. - Alan Korwin –  a prolific writer, owner of Bloomfield Press and leading expert in United States gun law. Alan wrote an article recently in CJR concerning Censorship via lack of competition in our news-sources. - Rob Morse - author of the SlowFacts Blog & co-host of The Polite Society Podcast. Rob recently wrote an article titled “We Are Paying To Get Our Kids Murdered” – in which he takes issue with the celebrit-i-zing of murderers. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary A special Thank You to Radney Foster, for the song "Angel Flight" Proceeds benefit Texas National Guard Family Support Foundation. Available on CD "Revival" at radneyfoster.com This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net

GunFreedomRadio EP112 Hr.2 Memorial Day 2018

1:00pm, 31st May

Segment Guest List

Townhall.com and TheDailyCaller.com, national news websites.

Alan is also the owner of Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. He also writes as “The Uninvited Ombudsman” on his Blog titled “Page Nine” on Gunlaws.com.

Alan has been a freelance writer for over 30 years, and his first book, the Arizona Gun Owner’s Guide, is in its 26th edition.  He has written several books, among them Gun Laws of AmericaSupreme Court Gun CasesThe Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed! and his book on free speech, about the (at least) 186 things you can’t say anymore, entitled, Bomb Jokes at Airports was published in 2011.

His newest book is Your First Gun, for people new to gun ownership, and for gun owners to give to their gunless friends.  Alan also has headed up the Guns Save Lives awareness campaign.  And he is a watchdog over the “slick tongues” of our elected officials.

Search his name via your favorite Search Engine for some fascinating reads.

Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-host of the Polite Society Podcast.

He blogs at his  Slowfacts blog and his articles appear at OpsLens at Clash Daily.

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana.

GunFreedomRadio EP112 Memorial Day 2018, Originally Aired on 6.2.18

GunFreedomRadio EP112 Memorial Day 2018

Hour #1 Guests:

Ashley Hlebinsky – the Robert W. Woodruff Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Hlebinsky is the first female firearm curator at the most prestigious firearms museum in the United States, and she is the recipient of the prestigious NSSF/POMA Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator of the Year Award!  Ashley just hosted a gathering of Museum Curators from across the globe on the topic of “Ethics of Firearms in Museums”.

Beth Baumann – Social Media Writer at Townhall Media where she runs evening and weekend social media for the network. She also contributes frequently to Townhall’s Notebook section and Twitchy. Beth recently wrote an article about measures being taken by the UN to impact the gun rights of American citizens.

Hour #2 Guests:

Alan “Krutch” Krutchkoff  – the President of Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, Inc. which supports Camp 4 Heroes. This non-profit charity that has been improving the morale of America’s warriors in harm’s way since April 2003. And Camp 4 Heroes is a “retreat for life” in North Carolina aimed at suicide prevention.

Alan Korwin –  a prolific writer, owner of Bloomfield Press and leading expert in United States gun law. Alan wrote an article recently in CJR concerning Censorship via lack of competition in our news-sources.

Rob Morse – author of the SlowFacts Blog & co-host of The Polite Society Podcast. Rob recently wrote an article titled “We Are Paying To Get Our Kids Murdered” – in which he takes issue with the celebrit-i-zing of murderers.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

Special Music:

A special Thank You to Radney Foster, for the song “Angel Flight” Proceeds benefit Texas National Guard Family Support Foundation. Available on CD “Revival” at radneyfoster.com

In Flander’s Fields: In Flanders Fields (May 1915) “In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields. Take up your quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.” – Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae (1872-1918)

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net

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