Hour #1 Guests: - Laura Carno - a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of “Government Ruins Nearly Everything.” And today she is here to talk to us about a school safety program called FASTER Saves Lives and FASTER Colorado. - Chris Wagoner - a U.S. Army Veteran and 35+ year veteran Law Enforcement officer who is in charge of training at a large police academy in North Florida. He writes on subjects including Firearms Rights, Constitutional issues and law enforcement topics which have been published by Fox News, OpsLens.com, Lifezette.com and many more. - Scott Lavin - Wildlife Recreation Branch Chief, AZ Game and Fish Department here to tell us about the 2018 Outdoor Expo on March 24 & 25!

GunFreedomRadio EP103 Hr.1 Constitutional Malpractice

1:00pm, 15th March

Segment Guest List

Independent Women’s Forum, and the FASTERColorado Charter.

Laura has dedicated herself to setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and through her political media company, she helped to recall Senator John Morse with her “Don’t you Dare” campaign, and helped to send Mark Udall home with her Udall Lied campaign. She is active in Coloradans For Civil Liberties, an organization helping to win back the gun rights lost in Colorado in 2013.

Laura is also an advocate for school safety and the FASTER Saves Lives program, which stands for Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response and has started a Charter of that program in her home state of Colorado under the name of FASTERColorado.com.


Arizona Game & Fish Department Logo

He Chairs the Steering Committee for the Hunting and Angling Heritage Workgroup. On the national level, he serves on the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies committee for Hunter, Angler, Shooting Sports and Wildlife Participation. He also applies his 25 years of leadership to support the Outdoor Industry Business Summit on both state and national levels.

Before joining the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Scott was an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army National Guard in addition to leading award-winning regional teams for The Home Depot and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Scott also has become part of Shot Heard ‘Round the World Day! Shot Heard Round the World Day is a light-hearted annual event held at participating ranges that provides recreational shooters a safe opportunity to celebrate the birth of a nation. At 7:30 am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts. This annual event provides enthusiasts and patriots a safe and structured opportunity to gather socially and commemorate the first shot fired of the American Revolution.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Scott Lavin

Scott Lavin of AZ Game & Fish Department

Hour #2 Guests: - Kevin Dixie - Owner- Operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training, and we think that Kevin has a prescription for what ails this nation. It is called Aiming at the Truth: Sighting in on the Real Issues, and it is a 6-spoked approach to healing families, neighborhoods, and communities. - Dan Wos - author of Good Gun Bad Guy: Behind The Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical, the book that destroys the anti-gun Left and exposes all their lies and propaganda, and recently published a second book, Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative. - Greg Hopkins - is the author of A Time To Kill: The Myth of Christian Pacifism. We will be talking with Greg about anger – the people who value our Civil Rights automatically get placed in a defensive position in the public discussion about school safety. We want to talk to Greg about why it is that the people who want to trample our rights seem to be the only ones who “get” to be angry? Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-Mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP103 Hr.2 Constitutional Malpractice

1:00pm, 15th March

Segment Guest List

“Good Gun Bad Guy” – book series.

He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications.

Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of “The Loaded Mic” and has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Armed American Radio, NRATV and many others.

Good Gun Bad Guy
Go behind the lies of the Anti-Gun Radicals. Find out what they hoped you would never know. The Book, Good Gun Bad Guy, by Dan Wos
Jan Morgan (FOX News Analyst and NRA firearms Instructor) endorsed Good Gun Bad Guy and wrote the Foreword. Jan and Dan actively advocate 2nd Amendment rights and do Speaking events together.
“It rips to shreds every argument of the anti-gun crowd  and has opened my eyes to the mentality of those people.”
~Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst/Certified NRA Instructor

No Other Choice Firearms Training (NOC) and the Founder of Aiming For The Truth, a 6-spoked approach to healing broken families and strengthening the community bonds of neighbors, to improve the lives of people in the cities and states of our nation. This program is focused on getting to the roots of the factors that are driving violence in our communities. A mission of solving real issues and avoiding the blaming of tools to avoid dealing with the complexities that exist.

Kevin has developed and designed the first firearm that fights the lies of Gun Control, an H&K PV9 platform handgun titled “The Truth”.

Kevin has been featured on NRATV, America First Magazine, Time Magazine, Gun Freedom Radio, Firearms Network, Tom Woods Show, and dozens of podcasts. Kevin has taken “Aiming for the Truth” to several American cities and looks to eventually tour and speak full time.

From Kevin: “I have spent the majority of my adult life in Saint Louis, MO or surrounding areas; although I grew up on the city’s North side.  My upbringing was, unfortunately, the typical story that is told far too much: raised in an impoverished neighborhood, single mother, absent Father, and over-exposure to criminal elements and subsequent violence.

I navigated through my environment and decided to make a choice to be productive and contrary to my immediate atmosphere. I joined the Saint Louis Police Department at the age of 21 as a Prisoner Processor and was “properly” introduced to firearms.  I decided to take my love for firearms and people and combine them, thus was born NOC Firearms Training.

– I am also a married Father of two

– Hold an undergrad and graduate degree.

– Firearms and Freedom Lover

– Promoter of “free thought” and creating critical thinkers/not conspiracy theory supporters

– Second Amendment promoter

– Justice Promoter

– Aiming to bridge gaps and restore relationships while holding everyone accountable in the proper regards

– Bringing the common man/woman into the firearms and constitutional awareness world”

Aiming at the Truth: Sighting in on the Real Issues,

and it is a 6-spoked approach to

healing families, neighborhoods, and communities focusing on:

  • Mental Health
  • Economic Status
  • Family Structures
  • Child Development
  • Training & Safety
  • Gun Control History

In November of 2018 Kevin appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, on their issue titled “Guns In America: What 245 Americans Think About The Issue.”

GunFreedomRadio EP103 Constitutional Malpractice, Originally Aired on 3.15.18

GunFreedomRadio EP103 Constitutional Malpractice

Hour #1 Guests:

Laura Carno – a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She is the founder of I Am Created Equal, and the author of “Government Ruins Nearly Everything.” And today she is here to talk to us about a school safety program called FASTER Saves Lives and FASTER Colorado.

Chris Wagoner – a U.S. Army Veteran and 35+ year veteran Law Enforcement officer who is in charge of training at a large police academy in North Florida. He writes on subjects including Firearms Rights, Constitutional issues and law enforcement topics which have been published by Fox News, OpsLens.com, Lifezette.com and many more.

– Scott Lavin – Wildlife Recreation Branch Chief, AZ Game and Fish Department here to tell us about the 2018 Outdoor Expo on March 24 & 25!

Hour #2 Guests:

– Kevin Dixie – Owner- Operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training, and we think that Kevin has a prescription for what ails this nation. It is called Aiming at the Truth: Sighting in on the Real Issues, and it is a 6-spoked approach to healing families, neighborhoods, and communities.

– Dan Wos – author of Good Gun Bad Guy: Behind The Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical, the book that destroys the anti-gun Left and exposes all their lies and propaganda, and recently published a second book, Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative.

– Greg Hopkins – is the author of A Time To Kill: The Myth of Christian Pacifism. We will be talking with Greg about anger – the people who value our Civil Rights automatically get placed in a defensive position in the public discussion about school safety. We want to talk to Greg about why it is that the people who want to trample our rights seem to be the only ones who “get” to be angry?

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

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