Theme: Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke Hour #1 Guests: - Scott Lavin – the organizer of Shot Heard Round The World Day - Meghan Smiley is a USPSA Competition Shooter and holds a certification as an EAGALA Professional and Animal Assisted Therapist.

GunFreedomRadio EP86 Hr.1 Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke

1:00pm, 1st April

Segment Guest List


Arizona Game & Fish Department Logo

He Chairs the Steering Committee for the Hunting and Angling Heritage Workgroup. On the national level, he serves on the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies committee for Hunter, Angler, Shooting Sports and Wildlife Participation. He also applies his 25 years of leadership to support the Outdoor Industry Business Summit on both state and national levels.

Before joining the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Scott was an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army National Guard in addition to leading award-winning regional teams for The Home Depot and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Scott also has become part of Shot Heard ‘Round the World Day! Shot Heard Round the World Day is a light-hearted annual event held at participating ranges that provides recreational shooters a safe opportunity to celebrate the birth of a nation. At 7:30 am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts. This annual event provides enthusiasts and patriots a safe and structured opportunity to gather socially and commemorate the first shot fired of the American Revolution.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Shot Hear Round the World Day celebratea the birth of a nation. At 7:30am on April 19th, 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution was fired at Lexington Massachusetts.

Scott Lavin

Scott Lavin of AZ Game & Fish Department

Theme: Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke Hour #2 Guests: - Brand New segment sponsored by Tacticatch – THE AR Rifle Retention System! The “Tech Segment” with Scott Johnson, the inventor of Tacticatch - Dan Wos – author of Good Gun Bad Guy Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP86 Hr.2 Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke

1:00pm, 1st April

Segment Guest List

“Good Gun Bad Guy” – book series.

He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications.

Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of “The Loaded Mic” and has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Armed American Radio, NRATV and many others.

Good Gun Bad Guy
Go behind the lies of the Anti-Gun Radicals. Find out what they hoped you would never know. The Book, Good Gun Bad Guy, by Dan Wos
Jan Morgan (FOX News Analyst and NRA firearms Instructor) endorsed Good Gun Bad Guy and wrote the Foreword. Jan and Dan actively advocate 2nd Amendment rights and do Speaking events together.
“It rips to shreds every argument of the anti-gun crowd  and has opened my eyes to the mentality of those people.”
~Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst/Certified NRA Instructor
TactiCatch Logo

TactiCatch Logo

The TactiCatch is designed to be an improved mechanism for carrying and securing a rifle since slings only hold your rifle passively and loosely against you, however when your rifle is stowed in the TactiCatch system, it is positively secured to you while dispersing the weight to your vest or belt, allowing you to still move and bend freely.

Specifically designed to be a secure way of ensuring your weapon stays put and easily accessible when stowed when you go hands free to – tacticatch-image

  • Secure a detainee
  • Collect evidence
  • Transition to a secondary weapon
  • Or when using breaching tools

For personnel assigned to

  • SWAT
  • Breachers
  • EOD Techs
  • K-9 handlers
  • Border Patrol
  • EMT’s and Medics – to ensure your patient doesn’t get injured by your rifle

This system allows you to keep your rifle close and ready without sacrificing security!


GunFreedomRadio EP 83 Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke – Originally Aired on 4.1.17

Theme:  Our Constitutional Rights Are No Joke

Hour #1 Guests:

Scott Lavin – Shot Heard Round The World Day

Meghan Smiley is a USPSA Competition Shooter and holds a certification as an EAGALA Professional and Animal Assisted Therapist.

Hour #2 Guests:

Brand New segment sponsored by Tacticatch – THE AR Rifle Retention System! The “Tech Segment” with Scott Johnson, the inventor of Tacticatch

Dan Wos – author of Good Gun Bad Guy

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

Special Offers for GFR Listeners: 

Use this link to get the 10% discount on your next Concealment Solutions Holster, and use the coupon code SDRN at check out!

Enjoy $15 off the regular annual membership, normally $75 at The Shooters Club Membership site where you will find over 60 instructional videos and audio podcasts to learn from Bob Mayne and Ben Branam!

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