Our Guests: Paloma A. Capanna

Paloma A. Capanna

About Paloma A. Capanna

Paloma A. Capanna – Attorney & Policy Analyst working with FFLs on compliance issues and Second Amendment litigation. 
Paloma has been speaking and writing about the Second Amendment as the modern civil rights movement for nearly fifteen years. In more than 25-years in state and federal courtrooms, Capanna has represented plaintiffs in ground-breaking civil rights litigation, including the case that revealed the NICS-to-TSDB connection. An award-winning activist and writer, Paloma chases truth until it’s treed.
A common theme among her cases is putting an end to government secrecy, whether the NICS-to-TSDB program by the FBI, the ISARS database of the NYS Police, or any number of Freedom of Information requests. Admitted to practice in New York in 1992, Paloma has more than 20 years of litigation experience at the trial and appellate levels.

The policy and legal environment for the Second Amendment has never been more challenging, especially in New York.  For the individual, one wrong purchase or conversion or failure to register could result in felony charges.  For the Federal Firearms Licensee manufacturer, importer/exporter, dealer, or gunsmith, business operations are at risk on a daily basis.

Paloma is an attorney and policy analyst who helps clients navigate federal and state compliance of firearms issues, from individual handgun licenses to commercial operations.  Paloma’s work helps clients navigate requirements that could otherwise inhibit the exercise of our fundamental freedom to keep and bear arms.

Paloma also represents selected clients as plaintiffs in civil rights litigation, focused on the Second Amendment, as well as in its relationship to the Free Speech Clause, the Free Exercise of Religion Clause, the Due Process Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, privacy, property, and more.  Through these cases, individuals become a force to push back against the unconstitutional restrictions so politically en vogue since 2013.

Whether you are looking for an attorney to represent you, to write for your publication, or to speak at your event, please be welcomed to contact Paloma.

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