Hour #1 Guests: - David Cole – writer with Black Man With A Gun, discussing his latest article titled “The Question.” The question he is referring to is one laced with accusation that insinuates that guns or their owners are somehow responsible for the actions of murderers, like the madman in Las Vegas. - Chris Bird – author of Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away. - Chuck Holton – author of Bulletproof: The Making of an Invincible Mind , host of “Frontlines” an NRA TV Series, and a freelance cameraman for Fox news, for War Stories with Oliver North on the Fox News Channel. We wanted to ask Chuck about all the places he has been to where gun-control has made for a safer world. Spoiler alert…we are pretty sure the answer is “nowhere.”

GunFreedomRadio EP97 Hr.1 The Shame Game

1:00pm, 19th October

Segment Guest List

The Hot Zone Podcast.

Chuck Holton 6.11.16b

NRA News Line Of Duty Series: Frontlines

Holton has been a freelance cameraman for Fox news, following Ret. Lt. Col. Oliver North on his travels as host of War Stories with Oliver North on the Fox News Channel.

Holton was born in 1969 in Carson City, Nevada. At age 17 Holton joined the United States Army, shipping off to basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Holton is a graduate of both Airborne School and Ranger School, graduating Ranger class 3-89. Holton went on to attend Jumpmaster School, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare School and Assault Climber school, and was later an instructor at the United States Military Academy at Camp Buckner. Holton was deployed to Panama for Operation Just Cause, where he served as a team leader. He served four years with the 75th Ranger Regiment.

After four years of active duty, Holton joined the Wisconsin Army National guard, where he received training as a helicopter mechanic and eventually became trained as an Aeroscout Observer, flying the Bell OH-58 Kiowa Helicopter. His awards and decorations include the Army Service Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Senior Parachutist Badge, Ranger tab, Expert Infantryman Badge, and Combat Infantryman Badge.

Chuck Holton 6.11.16a

Book: Making Men: Five Steps To Growing Up, by Chuck Holton

Holton is the author of seven books:

He has also collaborated with Oliver North on two books:

Dave Cole 7.09.16b

Says Dave, “I am a former US Army officer and former police SWAT officer and firearms instructor. I have trained with several instructors including Dave Spaulding and the late Louis Awerbuck, and at Gunsite Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). I am a competitive pistol shooter, participating in both USPSA and local steel plate matches. I have been a student of the Japanese martial art of aikido for 17 years, with a 2nd degree black belt; I teach and train at Aikido of Cincinnati. I currently work in corporate security at a major financial services company, as well as own and operate Aegis Solutions LLC where I teach firearms and personal safety with certification in several NRA Instructor disciplines. I am a contributor at Black Man With A Gun, with emphasis on gun rights opinion.”

Black Man With A Gun Logo

Protecting the rights of gun owners, and providing little known or forgotten facts about American history.

The Black Man With A Gun Show and Blog was created to fulfill a need to stay in contact with the gun community Kenn Blanchard has met as a rights activist along his journey since 1991.  You’ll hear defensive gun use, firearms training tips for the new shooter and reminders for the advanced.  The goal of Black Man With A Gun is to protect the rights of gun owners,  and provide little known or forgotten facts about American history.  We share news you can use, interviews with interesting people that you don’t always hear about, with entertaining pieces from all over the place. And we are trying to leave you with some positive encouragement.  That is what the Black Man With A Gun blog and podcast is all about.

Hour #2 Guests: - Amanda Collins – Amanda Collins is the founding director of T.E.A.R.S. Speak (Teaching/ Empowering Assault & Rape Survivors), where she encourages survivors and advocates for victims' rights and women's rights to self-defense. A survivor herself, who recently participated in Nancy Pelosi’s televised Town Hall Meeting, Amanda is here to talk to us about the dangers of restricting people’s rights, as her were, the night she was robbed of her human right to have protected herself, if she hadn’t been in a gun-free zone. - Tim Miller –Founder & President Lionheart International Services Group, and a 30-year law enforcement and military professional. As a Secret Service Special Agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Tim coordinated all aspects of security for the President, Vice-President, and foreign heads of state on a regular basis. Tim is currently the Director of Security at Christ Fellowship in South Florida, a church of 35,000 with 7 campuses. - Dr Kelli Ward, Candidate to the US Senate - Dr. Ward just had a huge campaign Kick-Off Event last night and she has some powerful names in attendance and backing her campaign. She will be here to talk about what lies ahead.

GunFreedomRadio EP97 Hr.2 The Shame Game

1:00pm, 19th October

Segment Guest List

T.E.A.R.S. Speak (Teaching/ Empowering Assault & Rape Survivors), where she encourages survivors and advocates for victims’ rights and women’s rights to self-defense.

Amanda became a Second Amendment activist after surviving a brutal attack as a college student, only feet away from the campus police office. She has worked tirelessly to ensure women across the United States are given the ability to choose how to protect themselves, particularly on college campuses.

This activism has lead Amanda to also encourage other survivors and give hope for living a full life after surviving trauma.  Amanda is a loving wife and mother of three beautiful young daughters and considers her family to be her greatest accomplishment.

Lionheart Logo The LionHeart Security Group is an elite team of security experts with a passion to provide the best possible security support and training available. Highly trained to handle any security mission anywhere, our team has a passion to provide the very best security assistance and training in the nation they have all faithfully served for many years.

Our team is comprised of Government and Private Industry experts with operational experience from the United States Secret Service, the United States Marine Corps, the Unites States Air Force, the United States Customs Service, Private Industry, as well as local police officers with specialized and SWAT expertise with major Police Departments in the metro Washington D.C. area.

Our focus areas include: Security Consulting, Security Training, Security Facilitation, and Executive Protection all focused on the unique challenges of the Government and Law Enforcement Community.  LionHeart also has a focused desire to bring the best possible security consulting and training to churches and non-profits to ensure their safety in the days ahead.

Tim’s Bio:

Tim Miller is a 30-year law enforcement and military professional. After college Tim entered the United States Marine Corps as an officer where he commanded combat ready forces in Okinawa, Japan.

Upon returning to the United States he commanded a special Marine Security force protecting nuclear weapons and was directly responsible for all tactical and administrative training to 100 Marines. After leaving active duty Tim remained in the Marine Corps reserve as a Counter-Intelligence Officer where he deployed regularly throughout the world focusing on identifying and mitigating security issues directed against U.S. forces. Tim retired from the Marines in 2011 as a Lieutenant Colonel.

After leaving active duty Tim remained in the Marine Corps reserve as a Counter-Intelligence Officer where he deployed regularly throughout the world focusing on identifying and mitigating security issues directed against U.S. forces. Tim retired from the Marines in 2011 as a Lieutenant Colonel. Tim’s law enforcement career started in 1986 as a police officer with Fairfax County Police in Fairfax Virginia.

Tim became a federal agent in 1989 and served as a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service. As a Secret Service Special Agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Tim coordinated all aspects of security for the President, Vice-President, and foreign heads of state on a regular basis. Regularly assigned to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Protective details, Tim was directly responsible for all aspects of security both domestically and internationally.

Tim later became a Special Agent with the United States Customs Service where he worked drug interdiction/narcotics smuggling with a joint DEA Task Force. After being promoted to Custom’s Headquarters Tim was assigned to the Secretary of Homeland Security where he assisted in the standup of the Department of Homeland Security serving as the Senior DHS representative to the FBI.

Tim concluded his career as a Special Agent at the FDA Office of Criminal Investigations where he oversaw all training for Special Agents. Tim developed a passion for dynamic training while working with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Tim is certified as a Secret Service Firearms Instructor, a FLETC Use of Force Instructor, a FLETC Reactive Shooting Instructor, and an NRA Firearms Instructor, along with many other military training school certifications.

Tim is currently the Director of Security at Christ Fellowship in South Florida, a church of 30,000 with 7 campuses in South Florida.

GunFreedomRadio EP97 The Shame Game – Originally Aired on 10.21.17

Hour #1 Guests:

David Cole – writer with Black Man With A Gun, discussing his latest article titled “The Question.” The question he is referring to is one laced with accusation that insinuates that guns or their owners are somehow responsible for the actions of murderers, like the madman in Las Vegas.

– Chris Bird – author of Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away.

– Chuck Holton – author of Bulletproof: The Making of an Invincible Mind , host of “Frontlines” an NRA TV Series, and a freelance cameraman for Fox news, for War Stories with Oliver North on the Fox News Channel. We wanted to ask Chuck about all the places he has been to where gun-control has made for a safer world. Spoiler alert…we are pretty sure the answer is “nowhere.”

Hour #2 Guests:

– Amanda Collins – Amanda Collins is the founding director of T.E.A.R.S. Speak (Teaching/ Empowering Assault & Rape Survivors), where she encourages survivors and advocates for victims’ rights and women’s rights to self-defense. A survivor herself, who recently participated in Nancy Pelosi’s televised Town Hall Meeting, Amanda is here to talk to us about the dangers of restricting people’s rights, as her were, the night she was robbed of her human right to have protected herself, if she hadn’t been in a gun-free zone.

– Tim Miller –Founder & President Lionheart International Services Group, and a 30-year law enforcement and military professional. As a Secret Service Special Agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Tim coordinated all aspects of security for the President, Vice-President, and foreign heads of state on a regular basis. Tim is currently the Director of Security at Christ Fellowship in South Florida, a church of 35,000 with 7 campuses.

– Dr Kelli Ward, Candidate to the US Senate – Dr. Ward just had a huge campaign Kick-Off Event last night and she has some powerful names in attendance and backing her campaign. She will be here to talk about what lies ahead.

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