Theme: The Election is Decided…So Now What? Hour #1 Guests: - Jake McGuigan – Senior Director, Government Relations/State Affairs for the NSSF - Dr Bill Chachkes – Producer and Lead Host for the Firearms Chat Podcast - John Richardson – John Richardson, Blogger at No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money and Co-Host of The Polite Society Podcast.

GunFreedomRadio EP63 Hr.1 The Election is Decided…So Now What?

1:00pm, 12th November

Segment Guest List

National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

With an MBA, experience in government, consulting, and a strong personal belief in the Second Amendment and the rights of individuals, Jake McGuigan is well suited to defend the firearms industry in the political arena as the National Shooting Sports Foundation Senior Director of Government Relations/State Affairs.

Jake is a 2000 graduate of the University of Notre Dame with a degree in finance.  After his undergraduate education he moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia to work as a financial analyst for close to four years.  Following his finance career McGuigan earned his MBA from the University of Florida in 2005, where he also got his first serious exposure to politics working on the Bush-Cheney campaign.

After completing his graduate education Jake worked as a consultant to the packaging industry on federal regulatory matters.  Most recently before joining NSSF in 2007, McGuigan, a Massachusetts native, served as senior policy advisor for the administration of Rhode Island’s Governor Donald Carcieri, a political conservative.

McGuigan, for the past 9 years has achieved success in numerous state capitols, most notably repealing ballistics imaging in Maryland during the 2015 session and working with the Sunday Hunting Coalition to repeal the century old ban on Sunday hunting in Virginia in 2014.


Theme: The Election is Decided…So Now What? Hour #2 Guests: - Maj Toure – Founder of Black Guns Matter. Maj Toure is a Solution-ary Hip Hop artist and activist from North Philly. He founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for 2nd amendment education and information for urban communities - Lloyd Bailey – Bailey is the host of "Armed Lutheran Radio," a weekly podcast about faith, firearms, and freedom. The Armed Lutheran Radio is also a member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary

GunFreedomRadio EP63 Hr.2 The Election is Decided…So Now What?

1:00pm, 12th November

Segment Guest List

Duty to Defend: Defending God’s Word From Those Who Misuse It In The Gun-Rights Debate

Armed Lutheran Radio Logo

Armed Lutheran Radio Logo

He is a North Carolina native who moved to Texas to pursue an employment opportunity in the Lone Star State in 2013. He regularly competes in IDPA competitions, is a Life Member of the NRA and Second Amendment Foundation, and has been blogging and podcasting about the intersection of Christianity and guns since 2012. Armed Lutheran Radio is a member of the Self Defense Radio Network and can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, and other major podcast services, and is heard weekly at noon Pacific on KRRC 94.3 The Bridge in Rogue River, Oregon.  Lloyd lives in Celina, Texas, with his wife of 23 years and their two children.

Solutionary Community Center, is a political activist and educator. Maj has traveled to all 50 states, with his organization, educating people in urban America about their 2nd amendment rights. Black guns matter focuses on safe and legal firearms knowledge, conflict resolution, and the importance of the 2nd amendment. After years of serving the community, with the help of donations and voluntary support, Maj opened the Solutinary Center, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that not only provides local BGM classes to residents, but offers a host of community support, class, trades, and skills to people free of cost.  He is spreading a message of freedom, liberty, autonomy, and community empowerment taking it into communities that need it the most.

Maj has developed a “Solutionary” AR Platform Rifle.

“There is no white gun culture or black gun culture, there is an informed gun culture and an ignorant one.” – Maj Toure

To date, BGM has reached 17 urban communities from coast to coast including Philadelphia, Compton, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and Atlanta.  BGM Tour is funded by donors from across the country via a GoFundMe campaign.

Maj is a Solutionary Hip Hop artist and activist from North Philly. His following began after he was featured on the cover of the Philadelphia Weekly as “the Prophet of Philadelphia.” He founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for 2nd amendment education and information for urban communities. Maj has been featured in the New York Times, Breitbart News, National Public Radio, and NRANews for his out of the box approach to 2nd amendment advocacy.

In November of 2018 Maj appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, on their issue titled “Guns In America: What 245 Americans Think About The Issue.”

“The Second Amendment is color blind, and the human right to self-defense is meant for all people, including oft-forgotten individuals of urban communities,” – Maj Toure

Black Guns Matter in AZ

GunFreedomRadio EP63 The Election is Decided…So Now What? – Originally Aired on 11.12.16

Gun Freedom Radio Theme:  The Election is Decided…So Now What?

Hour #1 Guests:

Jake McGuigan – Senior Director, Government Relations/State Affairs for the NSSF

– Dr Bill Chachkes – Producer and Lead Host for the Firearms Chat Podcast

– John Richardson – Blogger at  No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money and Co-Host of The Polite Society Podcast.

Hour #2 Guests:

Maj Toure – Founder of Black Guns Matter. Maj Toure is a Solution-ary Hip Hop artist and activist from North Philly.  He founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for 2nd amendment education and information for urban communities

– Lloyd Bailey – Bailey is the host of “Armed Lutheran Radio,” a weekly podcast about faith, firearms, and freedom.  The Armed Lutheran Radio is also a member of the Self Defense Radio Network.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

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