Theme: Your Vote / Matters Hour #1 Guests: - Trent Franks – United States Congressman Trent Franks, Representing Arizona’s 8th District. Congressman Trent Franks is a conservative, Reagan Republican, currently serving in his seventh term in the United States Congress. Trent is a rare leader who still believes that people and principles should be at the center of political discourse in America. Trent believes the purpose of government is to protect the lives and Constitutional rights of the people. - Kelli Ward – is running for the US Senate Seat currently held by Senator John McCain, and previously served as an Arizona State Senator where she was one of the most committed Conservatives in the legislature – and has gained the endorsement of Gun Owners Of America, a Pro-2A group. - Kenn Weise - As Mayor of Avondale, AZ Kenn takes very seriously his oath to uphold not only the Constitution of the State of Arizona but also the Constitution of the United States.

GunFreedomRadio EP40 Hr.1 Your Vote Matters

1:00pm, 4th June

Segment Guest List

Theme: Your Vote / Matters

GunFreedomRadio EP40 Hr.2 Your Vote Matters

1:00pm, 4th June

Segment Guest List

Michael Maharrey 6.04.16a

The Tenth Amendment Center is the nation’s leading source for constitutional education and nullification activism.

TAC works towards this goal in two ways: education and activism. We seek to teach people about the original meaning of the Constitution. And, we lead powerful grassroots coalitions to use nullification as a means to block federal overreach.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution Of The United States Of America, is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.


Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Sal is a native Arizonan and grew up hunting and fishing with my family. As a father, Sal plans to pass along his passion for the outdoors to his children in the same way his parents did with him.

One of Sal’s favorite things to do is to introduce others to the sport of hunting and shooting especially archery.

GunFreedomRadio EP40 Your Vote Matters

Theme:  Your Vote / Matters

Hour #1 Guests:

Trent Franks – United States Congressman Trent Franks, Representing Arizona’s 8th District. Congressman Trent Franks is a conservative, Reagan Republican, currently serving in his seventh term in the United States Congress. Trent is a rare leader who still believes that people and principles should be at the center of political discourse in America. Trent believes the purpose of government is to protect the lives and Constitutional rights of the people.

Kelli Ward – is running for the US Senate Seat currently held by Senator John McCain, and previously served as an Arizona State Senator where she was one of the most committed Conservatives in the legislature – and has gained the endorsement of Gun Owners Of America, a Pro-2A group.

Kenn Weise – As Mayor of Avondale, AZ Kenn takes very seriously his oath to uphold not only the Constitution of the State of Arizona but also the Constitution of the United States.

Hour #2 Guests:

Michael Maharrey  – is an author and also serves as the national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, where they seek to teach people about the original meaning of the Constitution. They lead powerful grassroots efforts to use “nullification” as a means to block federal overreach.

Sal Bracale – is a RMEF Life Member and one of the co-chairs of the PHOENIX chapter Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.  Sal is an avid outdoorsman and hunter who gives back by donating his time to wildlife and conservation.

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