Our Guests: Sal Bracale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Sal Bracale 6.04.16a
Sal Bracale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

About Sal Bracale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Sal Bracale is a RMEF Life Member and one of the co-chairs of the PHOENIX chapter Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

Sal is an avid outdoorsman and hunter who gives back by donating his time to wildlife and conservation.


Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Sal is a native Arizonan and grew up hunting and fishing with my family. As a father, Sal plans to pass along his passion for the outdoors to his children in the same way his parents did with him.

One of Sal’s favorite things to do is to introduce others to the sport of hunting and shooting especially archery.

Shows Featuring Sal Bracale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation


Places you can find Sal Bracale of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

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