Our guest today is Paul Lathrop. Paul is the Deputy Director of New Media for the Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org). He started his work in second amendment media as the owner and co-executive producer of the Polite Society Podcast on the Self Defense Radio Network and now produces several shows on a regular basis. Paul is also the creator of Amm-Con, which is the Alternative Mass Media Conference. 1) Let’s start with Amm-Con. Give us the 411 on this ever-growing annual event. Where, When, Who should come? - This FREE conference is for ANY CITIZEN-JOURNALIST! Podcasters, Bloggers, YouTube creators, and anyone else in new media that has a connection to the 2nd Amendment Community. - Sat & Sun Oct 2 & 3, at the Westin Dallas Fort Worth 2) What are some of the topics we will be covering during Amm-Con? - Technology & Techniques to Produce a Podcast, Understanding Anti-Gun Propaganda, Researching for Proper Language Use, How to Process a FOIA Request, Choosing and Respecting Your Audience, Unmucking Social Media, Becoming a 2A Writer, Enhancing Video Interviews, Beyond the Choir, Simon Says Protect the 2A4E, Avoiding Cultural Landmines, How to Find Your Unique Voice, Patreon & Monetization, Becoming A Local Media Expert, Marketing and Branding Yourself, Images are More Powerful than Words, and Blockchain and NFTs: Next Generation "Digital" Firearms. 3) Talk to us about the regular podcasts you run? - Daily Bullet, Polite Society Podcast, Weekly Bullet 4) There is another major event coming up on Sept 25 & 26. The Digital Gun Rights Policy Conference. This is hosted every year by the Second Amendment Foundation, and you play a bigger part than ever, now that it is digital. Talk to us about that.

GunFreedomRadio EP342 Amm-Con 2021 with Paul Lathrop

Segment Guest List

www.saf.org). He started his work in second amendment media as the owner and co-executive producer of the Polite Society Podcast on the Self Defense Radio Network (www.sdrn.us).

Paul has had a lifelong familiarity with guns having grown up in Rural South Dakota and has most recently become deeply involved with the topic of self-defense. His growing displeasure with the state of the nation and the state of our government caused him to create the politics and guns podcast in early 2012. Since then the show has had a re-branding as the Polite Society Podcast and has grown to over 100 thousand monthly views and podcast downloads..

Some of the shows that Paul has a hand in producing are:

The Polite Society Podcast


The Daily Bullet


The Weekly Bullet


The Armed Society Podcast


The Second Amendment Foundation’s annual Gun Rights Policy Conference.


The 2020 2a Rally for Our Rights


He is also the video producer for Eye on the Target Radio


Paul is also the creator of Amm-Con!  Amm-Con is the Alternative Mass Media Conference. This conference is for Podcasters, Bloggers, YouTube creators, and anyone else in new media that has a connection to the 2nd Amendment Community.  Attendees will learn to make their media more effective and more successful.

Amm-Con Logo

Alternative Mass Media Conventions (AMM-CON) Workshop

Polite Society Podcast 11.21.15

Polite Society Podcast

GunFreedomRadio EP342 Amm-Con 2021 with Paul Lathrop – Originally Aired 9.20.21


Our guest today is Paul Lathrop. Paul is the Deputy Director of New Media for the Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org).

He started his work in second amendment media as the owner and co-executive producer of the Polite Society Podcast on the Self Defense Radio Network and now produces several shows on a regular basis.

Paul is also the creator of Amm-Con, which is the Alternative Mass Media Conference.

1) Let’s start with Amm-Con. Give us the 411 on this ever-growing annual event. Where, When, Who should come?

– This FREE conference is for ANY CITIZEN-JOURNALIST! Podcasters, Bloggers, YouTube creators, and anyone else in new media that has a connection to the 2nd Amendment Community.

– Sat & Sun Oct 2 & 3, at the Westin Dallas Fort Worth

2) What are some of the topics we will be covering during Amm-Con?

– Technology & Techniques to Produce a Podcast, Understanding Anti-Gun Propaganda, Researching for Proper Language Use, How to Process a FOIA Request, Choosing and Respecting Your Audience, Unmucking Social Media, Becoming a 2A Writer, Enhancing Video Interviews, Beyond the Choir, Simon Says Protect the 2A4E, Avoiding Cultural Landmines, How to Find Your Unique Voice, Patreon & Monetization, Becoming A Local Media Expert, Marketing and Branding Yourself, Images are More Powerful than Words, and Blockchain and NFTs: Next Generation “Digital” Firearms.

3) Talk to us about the regular podcasts you run?

– Daily Bullet, Polite Society Podcast, Weekly Bullet

4) There is another major event coming up on Sept 25 & 26. The Digital Gun Rights Policy Conference. This is hosted every year by the Second Amendment Foundation, and you play a bigger part than ever, now that it is digital. Talk to us about that.

Related Links:

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