Title: Hunting Tales, Hour 1 Guest: Bill Andres of AZ Game & Fish here to tell us about some great events coming up around the state of AZ.Bill Andres is the Information Branch Chief at the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Before joining the Department in 2013, Bill was president of a local public relations company. Bill was an Emmy-winning television reporter at Channel 12, one of the Valley’s highest-rated morning drive radio hosts, and even appeared in the movie Raising Arizona. He is a big believer in community service, for which he has won numerous awards, including the Hon Kachina and the Arizona Governor’s “Volunteer of the Year” Award.

Hunting Tales Hour 1

1:00pm, 23rd January

Title: Hunting Tales, Hour 2 Guest: Guest:Bill Sansom Outdoors, author of “Not Looking To Die”, a former law enforcement officer and lifelong hunting guide shares some of his favorite hunting tales from his 60+ years in the field. Bill recently relocated here in AZ from MT, and has spent his life in law enforcement and as a hunting guide. Bill Sansom has been published in national magazines over the past 25 years. Many of his stories appeared first in Bugle Magazine. Others appeared in such publications as Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine, North American Hunter Magazine, and Bow Hunter Magazine, where Sansom developed a following of loyal readers. In the process, his readers not only learned about the details and insights of hunting elk, whitetail deer, bear, mountain lion and mule deer, but also the adventures and misadventures of the various individuals who took to the woods with him in quest of species.

Hunting Tales Hour 2

1:00pm, 23rd January

GunFreedomRadio EP22 Hunting Tales

Title:Hunting Tales

Hour 1 Guest: Bill Andres of AZ Game & Fish here to tell us about some great events coming up around the state of AZ.Bill Andres is the Information Branch Chief at the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Before joining the Department in 2013, Bill was president of a local public relations company. Bill was an Emmy-winning television reporter at Channel 12, one of the Valley’s highest-rated morning drive radio hosts, and even appeared in the movie Raising Arizona. He is a big believer in community service, for which he has won numerous awards, including the Hon Kachina and the Arizona Governor’s “Volunteer of the Year” Award.

Hour 2 Guest:Bill Sansom Outdoors, author of “Not Looking To Die”, a former law enforcement officer and lifelong hunting guide shares some of his favorite hunting tales from his 60+ years in the field.
Bill recently relocated here in AZ from MT, and has spent his life in law enforcement and as a hunting guide. Bill Sansom has been published in national magazines over the past 25 years. Many of his stories appeared first in Bugle Magazine. Others appeared in such publications as Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine, North American Hunter Magazine, and Bow Hunter Magazine, where Sansom developed a following of loyal readers. In the process, his readers not only learned about the details and insights of hunting elk, whitetail deer, bear, mountain lion and mule deer, but also the adventures and misadventures of the various individuals who took to the woods with him in quest of species.

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