GunFreedomRadio EP115 Will vs Might
Hour #1 Guests:
– Fred Mastison – the founder of Force Options USA. He is a professional firearms and combatives instructor as well as dignitary protection provider and freelance writer. He has been teaching for 30 years and has over 16 law enforcement POST course instructor certifications. He is based in the Phoenix metropolitan area and teaches courses across the US, in Europe and Mexico.
– Alexander Roubian – the President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society is a human rights advocacy group that lobbies against unreasonable gun control laws.
Hour #2 Guests:
– Kevin Dixie – the owner-operator of No Other Choice Firearms Training (NOC) and the Founder of Aiming For The Truth, a 6-spoked approach to healing broken families and strengthening the community bonds of neighbors, to improve the lives of people in the cities and states of our nation.
– Amanda Suffecool – Director of the not-for-profit, Realize Firearms Awareness Coalition. Host of the Ohio based radio show, Eye on the Target Radio. And speaker at the HellerTen Event, the 10th Anniversary of the Heller vs DC landmark Supreme Court Decision. And, Amanda is the Ohio delegate for The DC Project.
Responsibly Armed Citizen Report
Dan’s Calm-mentary
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