Theme: Sharing The Love By Breaking Down Barriers
Our Valentine’s Day Edition
Hour #1 Guest: Julianna Crowder – Julianna is the Founder & Owner of A Girl And A Gun out of Texas, which is a Women’s Shooting League is a shooting club established by women shooters for women shooters. Their events are intended to be fun, social gatherings where women can come together for support, encouragement, ask questions in a safe and nonjudgmental environment, improve on their marksmanship, and bond together in the shooting community. All facilitators are women who can “speak girl” and provide techniques and tips for female shooters, with the goal to empower, educate, and have fun at the range.
Hour #2 Guest: Bryan Crosswhite is the founder and President of 2AO (which stands for the 2nd Amendment Org) based in Washington DC. 2AO is a grassroots group that is reaching out to “Break Down Barriers” and make the 2nd Amendment “real” and “accessible” to non-traditional firearms enthusiast, and highlights the true diversity that exists not only in our nation but within the ranks of normal everyday gun owners.
Responsibly Armed Citizen Report
Dan’s Tip Of The Week