Our Guests: Julianna Crowder

Julianna Crowder
Julianna Crowder

About Julianna Crowder

Julianna Crowder is the Founder & Owner of A Girl And A Gun out of Texas, which is a Women’s Shooting League is a shooting club established by women shooters for women shooters. Their events are intended to be fun, social gatherings where women can come together for support, encouragement, ask questions in a safe and nonjudgmental environment, improve on their marksmanship, and bond together in the shooting community. All facilitators are women who can “speak girl” and provide techniques and tips for female shooters, with the goal to empower, educate, and have fun at the range.  Julianna is also helping with the 2AO.org DC Project which will mentor 50 women (one from each of the 50 States) in talking with their Political Represetatives about preserving and reclaiming all elements of our Second Amendment Rights.

Shows Featuring Julianna Crowder


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