Tag: Anti gun

Blue Beckham
Written on: December 21, 2018

When the Mask Drops, By Blue Beckham

The recent midterm elections did not produce the media-hyped “Blue Wave”, but it did bring storm clouds on the horizon. The Democrats took over the peoples’ House, and the Republicans still maintain a small margin in the Senate. While losing the House is disturbing enough, the real issue is the number of far-left candidates that […]

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Written on: September 20, 2016

Trojan Horse, by David Cole (Black Man With A Gun Blog)

Trojan Horse, by David Cole (Black Man With A Gun Blog) The story of the Trojan Horse is one of deceit, wrapped up like a gift. Gun rights have been under siege for a long time, and our opponents have recently tried to attack using the terror watch list and no fly list maintained by the federal […]

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