Our Guests: Robyn Sandoval

Robyn Sandoval
Robyn Sandoval

About Robyn Sandoval

Robyn Sandoval – Manager of A Girl And A Gun (AG&AG), came into the Firearms Industry by an unusual path.  Robyn is a converted anti-gunner, who nervously attended Julianna Crowder’s third Girl’s Night Out in March 2011. Six months later, she joined the AG & AG leadership team and built the infrastructure and operating procedures from the ground up to enable the organization’s rapid growth (650% in 26 months). Robyn recently shared her journey and her story resonated so deeply in those who read it, on both sides of the Gun Debate, that her blog article went viral on social media — being viewed more than 200,000 times in only 3 days.

Robyn Sandoval is an unlikely gun owner. She was raised in a large city, and always assumed that first responders were only a phone call away and local grocery stores would have needed supplies on hand. After 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, she began to casually store items in case of an economic or environmental disaster in her community. One day her husband asked, “If something bad happens and we have to shelter in place, how are we going to stop someone from breaking in and taking our stuff?”

For many years Robyn struggled with the decision to bring a firearm into the home with three children. In 2010, she finally conceded to the purchase of one gun to be used only in an emergency situation. She wanted to learn how to use her new gun, so she nervously attended AG&AG’s Girl’s Night Out.

A Girl And A Gun Logo

A Girl And A Gun Logo

Robyn participated as a Member before joining the Board of Directors as the Technology Director just 6 months later. She was instrumental growing the organization, improving member communication, and developing a chapter onboarding program. As the Executive Director, Robyn manages the day-to-day operations of the organization. Her passion stems from her belief in the organization’s mission to bring more “everyday” women to the range.  Robyn is a Certified NRA Instructor for Pistol Shooting, Home Firearm Safety, and Personal Protection in the Home. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude from St. Edward’s University.

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