Adam Wilson is the author of Tactical Reload: Strategy Shifts for Emerging Leaders in Law Enforcement, and host of Tip of the Spear Podcast. In early 2020, Wilson wrote an article for NewsMax titled, "Virginia's Proposed Gun Laws Are Unconstitutional and Immoral." Shortly after writing the article, Wilson sat down for this LIVE interview with Gun Freedom Radio at the 2020 SHOT Show, where he reaffirmed that if ordered, as a law enforcement officer, to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens his response would be: "No, I would not enforce it. While I love my job, I have always said that if I am asked to do something that compromises my principals and beliefs, then I would find another way to serve. I refuse to become the tool of a corrupt government. Let me say that again; I refuse to become a corrupt government tool. Not only do I believe the acts in Virginia are unconstitutional, but also immoral."

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol36 EP175 Adam Wilson, Gun Confiscation and Law Enforcement

1:00pm, 29th February

Segment Guest List

Tactical Reload: Strategy Shifts for Emerging Leaders in Law Enforcement.

Wilson is a highly decorated police veteran with more than 15 years on the job. He’s best known as the voice of the millennial generation of police.

Adam, a once homeless high-school dropout, is now a highly decorated 15-year law enforcement veteran who was recognized in 2018 by the National Association of Police Organizations that sponsors the annual TOP COP Awards® for producing the top investigation in North Carolina.

Adam has served as a SWAT senior operator and also collaborated with federal authorities in cases involving public corruption, sexual exploitation of minors and corrupt organizations. He received a masters degree from East Carolina and was selected as an emerging leader in North Carolina.

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol36 EP175 Adam Wilson, Gun Confiscation and Law Enforcement – Originally Aired on 3.1.20

Adam Wilson is the author of Tactical Reload: Strategy Shifts for Emerging Leaders in Law Enforcement, and host of Tip of the Spear Podcast.

Wilson is a highly decorated police veteran with more than 15 years on the job. He’s best known as the voice of the millennial generation of police.

In early 2020, Wilson wrote an article for NewsMax titled, “Virginia’s Proposed Gun Laws Are Unconstitutional and Immoral.”

Shortly after writing the article, Wilson sat down for this LIVE interview with Gun Freedom Radio at the 2020 SHOT Show, where he reaffirmed that if ordered, as a law enforcement officer, to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens his response would be:

“No, I would not enforce it. While I love my job, I have always said that if I am asked to do something that compromises my principals and beliefs, then I would find another way to serve. I refuse to become the tool of a corrupt government. Let me say that again; I refuse to become a corrupt government tool. Not only do I believe the acts in Virginia are unconstitutional, but also immoral.”

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