Our Guests: Adam Wilson, Author of Tactical Reload

Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson, Author of Tactical Reload

About Adam Wilson, Author of Tactical Reload

Adam Wilson, author of Tactical Reload: Strategy Shifts for Emerging Leaders in Law Enforcement.

Wilson is a highly decorated police veteran with more than 15 years on the job. He’s best known as the voice of the millennial generation of police.

Adam, a once homeless high-school dropout, is now a highly decorated 15-year law enforcement veteran who was recognized in 2018 by the National Association of Police Organizations that sponsors the annual TOP COP Awards® for producing the top investigation in North Carolina.

Adam has served as a SWAT senior operator and also collaborated with federal authorities in cases involving public corruption, sexual exploitation of minors and corrupt organizations. He received a masters degree from East Carolina and was selected as an emerging leader in North Carolina.

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