Theme: Gun Wise / Rights Foolish Hour #1 Guests: - Chris Bird – author of "Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away" - Regis Giles – is the creator and owner of Girls Just Wanna Have and is a leading voice for Second Amendment rights, self-defense and conservation. Girls Just Wanna Have Guns goal is to motivate women all over the world to prepare themselves for any threat they may encounter.

GunFreedomRadio EP49 Hr.1 Gun Wise / Rights Foolish

1:00pm, 6th August

Segment Guest List

Theme: Gun Wise / Rights Foolish Hour #2 Guests: - Dave Cole – former US Army officer, police officer and SWAT officer and contributor to Kenn Blanchard's Black Man With A Gun website. - Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma - he was a special guest speaker for the ladies of the DC Project when we recently visited our nation’s capital. Congressman Russell is a 21-year Veteran of the US Army, whose unit played a key role in the capture of Saddam Hussein, which is documented in his book, We Got Him! A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein. And if all that weren’t enough, he is also a gun manufacturer and owner of Two Rivers Arms. Dan’s Tip Of The Week

GunFreedomRadio EP49 Hr.2 Gun Wise / Rights Foolish

1:00pm, 6th August

Segment Guest List

Dave Cole 7.09.16b

Says Dave, “I am a former US Army officer and former police SWAT officer and firearms instructor. I have trained with several instructors including Dave Spaulding and the late Louis Awerbuck, and at Gunsite Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). I am a competitive pistol shooter, participating in both USPSA and local steel plate matches. I have been a student of the Japanese martial art of aikido for 17 years, with a 2nd degree black belt; I teach and train at Aikido of Cincinnati. I currently work in corporate security at a major financial services company, as well as own and operate Aegis Solutions LLC where I teach firearms and personal safety with certification in several NRA Instructor disciplines. I am a contributor at Black Man With A Gun, with emphasis on gun rights opinion.”

Black Man With A Gun Logo

Protecting the rights of gun owners, and providing little known or forgotten facts about American history.

The Black Man With A Gun Show and Blog was created to fulfill a need to stay in contact with the gun community Kenn Blanchard has met as a rights activist along his journey since 1991.  You’ll hear defensive gun use, firearms training tips for the new shooter and reminders for the advanced.  The goal of Black Man With A Gun is to protect the rights of gun owners,  and provide little known or forgotten facts about American history.  We share news you can use, interviews with interesting people that you don’t always hear about, with entertaining pieces from all over the place. And we are trying to leave you with some positive encouragement.  That is what the Black Man With A Gun blog and podcast is all about.

Two Rivers Arms Logo

Two Rivers Arms Company: Building what soldiers could not bring home

Congressman Russell is also a 21 yr Army Veteran of 4 wars, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq and retired as a Lt. Col. In 2003 his unit was instrumental in the hunt and capture of Saddam Hussein. He is the founder and owner of Two Rivers Arms, a small rifle manufacturing business that operates out of Del City, OK.

Congressman Russell’s committee assignments include: House Committee on Education and the Workforce; House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform (Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on National Security) and House Armed Services Committee. He and Cindy make their home in Choctaw, Oklahoma, and are members of First Southern Baptist Church of Del City.

Lt. Col. Steve Russell is also an author.  At the center of the six-month manhunt were Lt. Col. Steve Russell and his men of the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. With his extensive journal notes, combat reports, and painstaking research, Russell has preserved the story as only someone who lived the experience can do. His narrative chronicles the daily successes and dead ends, and describes, blow-by-blow, the actual raids that netted Saddam, culminating in the electrifying quote heard around the globe “We Got Him!: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein”.

We Got Him!: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein, by Lt. Col. Steve Russell

We Got Him!: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein, by Lt. Col. Steve Russell

GunFreedomRadio EP49 Gun Wise / Rights Foolish – Originally Aried on 8.06.16

Theme:  Gun Wise / Rights Foolish

Hour #1 Guests:

Chris Bird – author of “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away”

Regis Giles – is the creator and owner of Girls Just Wanna Have and is a leading voice for Second Amendment rights, self-defense and conservation.  Girls Just Wanna Have Guns goal is to motivate women all over the world to prepare themselves for any threat they may encounter.

Hour #2 Guests:

Dave Cole – former US Army officer, police officer and SWAT officer and contributor to Kenn Blanchard’s Black Man With A Gun website.

– Congressman Steve Russell  of Oklahoma – he was a special guest speaker for the ladies of the DC Project when we recently visited our nation’s capital.  Congressman Russell is a 21-year Veteran of the US Army, whose unit played a key role in the capture of Saddam Hussein, which is documented in his book, We Got Him! A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein.  And if all that weren’t enough, he is also a gun manufacturer and owner of Two Rivers Arms.

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Tip Of The Week

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