Theme Authors Of Freedom Hour 1 Guests: Dave Kopp - President of the AZCDL Arizona Citizens Defense League give us a Recap of the 2016 AZ Legislative Session. - Jerry Henry – Executive Director of GeorgiaCarry.Org, Patron Life Member of the NRA, Georgia Carry Firearms Course Instructor and NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. - Mia Anstine – hunting guide and co-owner of Wolf Creek Outfitters. Mia is also a certified archery and firearms instructor and writes for Women’s Outdoor News, Western Whitetail Magazine & other publications. - Ron Sites – President and Executive Director of Fighter Country Partnership, the non-profit organization supporting the men, women, families and mission of Luke AFB.

GunFreedomRadio EP37 Hr.1 Authors Of Freedom

1:00pm, 14th May

Segment Guest List

Arizona Citizens Defense League and the AzCDL Foundation.

Dave is an East Coast transplant, a former computer programmer and a family man. Dave spends his time restoring and protecting the right to keep and bear arms through legislative lobbying. He is a strong voice protecting Arizonans against anti-rights groups and legislation that seek to limit our freedoms.

Dave works closely with the legislature to get strong pro-rights bills written and passed into law, while stopping freedom restricting bills, earning Arizona the reputation for being the friendliest state for gun owners. Significant amongst AzCDL’s many successes was the 2010 “Constitutional Carry” bill, restoring the ability of law-abiding adult citizens to carry openly or concealed without government permission. Dave is passionate about the work he does and is a sought-after speaker and knowledgeable resource in the firearms community.

One of his favorite quotes explains why Dave is a dedicated and driven champion for Arizona firearm owners: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”– Edmund Burke

The AzCDL is where grassroots activists take a stand, working at the Arizona legislature, to get strong pro-rights bills written and passed into law, while stopping bad bills.

Georgia Carry 5.14.16a

GCO believes that citizens of Georgia and the United States have the right to own and carry the firearm of their choice for any reason other than to commit a crime.

Spent 35 years in sales, marketing and project management as well as being a practicing farrier for the last 33 years. After becoming increasingly concerned about self-defense and personal protection, joined GeorgiaCarry.Org in early 2008 and was soon named a Gun Show Coordinator. Became Statewide Recruiting Coordinator in May of 2009 and in October of 2009 named GCO’s first Executive Director.
Life Member of GeorgiaCarry.Org, Patron Life Member of the NRA, Georgia Carry Firearms Course Instructor and NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Married wife Donna in 1971. We have 2 lovely daughters, one granddaughter and one grandson. We operate a therapeutic riding center for persons with special needs in Fairburn, GA.

Mia Anstine 5.14.16a

Mia loves exploring, learning and sharing life and survival. She has hunted rest stag, bull tahr, elk, mule deer, black bear, turkey, game birds, waterfowl, predators, varmints, hogs, carp and have more on my bucket list

Mia loves exploring, learning and sharing life and survival in this modern day Wild West. She created her personal sites to share outdoor findings, products, firearms, hunts, recipes, stories and news, with the goal to inspire others to get outside, go hunting, to the shooting range or come together around the table, savoring all life has to offer.

Mia is an outfitter, guide, hunter, mentor, firearms and archery instructor. She is also a freelance writer and presenter. Mia takes pride in guiding ladies and children for their first hunts. Among her hunts are rest stag, bull tahr, elk, mule deer, black bear, turkey, game birds, waterfowl, predators, varmints, hogs, carp and has many more on her bucket list.

Ron SItes

Fighter Country Partnership

In September of 2010, while volunteering his time supporting Luke AFB, his own miss-perceptions of the base caused him to jump at the opportunity to be the President and Executive Director of Fighter Country Partnership, the non-profit organization supporting the men, women, families and mission of Luke AFB.  He passed up the opportunity to join the Air Force 25 years ago, and is incredibly excited about his role supporting Luke AFB while educating the community about the valuable resource in the Valley of the Sun.

Many people ask, “Why does an Air Force Base need my support?” And “Doesn’t the Government pay for everything?” These are good questions with answers that may surprise you. Although it’s true that the Government does a great job in funding many base functions and programs, with the global war on terror, much of the budget has been reduced. In fact, over the last few years, many Bases have experienced budget reductions of 40% or more over the last few years. This eliminates funding for many events and human services programs. That’s where we come in.

The need to support Luke AFB

As a 2.17 Billion dollar economic engine for the State of Arizona, Luke deserves our attention. When you have the world’s largest Air Force Base in your backyard, you’ve got to protect it. Fighter Country Partnership has done just that locally and in our Nation’s capital for more than 10 years.

Six Critical Reasons to Support Luke

Arizona needs to keep the mission of Luke Air Force Base today, and long into the future. To do that, here are a few things we must be aware of.

Luke Air Force Base has six Critical Mission Elements. Unlike any other Base in the world, Luke has the ability to:

− Land and takeoff in two directions
− Access the Barry M. Goldwater Range with live training munitions
− Fly instrument approaches at the Luke Auxiliary Field #1
− Perform patterns and landings at Gila Bend Auxiliary Air Field
− Access and utilize Gladden/Bagdad Military Operating Areas
− Access Military Training Routes throughout the state

Theme: Authors Of Freedom Hour 2 Guest: - Colonel Richard Toliver – is a “Top Gun” fighter pilot and a protégé of the famed Tuskegee Airmen and the author of a number of books including “An Uncaged Eagle: True Freedom”! Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Tip Of The Week

GunFreedomRadio EP37 Hr.2 Authors Of Freedom

1:00pm, 14th May

Segment Guest List

Uncaged Eagle

An Uncaged Eagle is an historical and inspirational memoir that focuses on victory over adversity – the path to True Freedom

Col. Toliver’s autobiography “An Uncaged Eagle” is an historical and inspirational memoir that focuses on victory over adversity – the path to True Freedom. The book presents a powerful message of hope for anyone who has encountered great difficulties, and it helps the reader deal with unresolved issues in his or her life.  It is especially inspiring to those who have encountered crippling emotional, mental, or physical traumas at an early age.  The true-life stories can serve as an encouragement to anyone regardless of race, creed, gender, or national origin. The book can serve as a model of determination and perseverance regardless of the difficulties faced in one’s life. Ultimately, An Uncaged Eagle provides a roadmap for achieving forgiveness and restoration in the most difficult broken relationships.  The book chronicles Colonel Toliver’s life from the dirt streets of Shreveport, LA to interacting with the King of Saudi Arabia, Ross Perot, and Coretta Scott King.  It highlights a 26-year Air Force career punctuated by two tours in Southeast Asia, 446 combat missions, and a life-changing experience at 20,000 feet.

GunFreedomRadio EP37 Authors Of Freedom

Theme Authors Of Freedom

Hour 1 Guests:

Dave Kopp – President of the AZCDL Arizona Citizens Defense League give us a Recap of the 2016 AZ Legislative Session.

Jerry Henry – Executive Director of GeorgiaCarry.Org, Patron Life Member of the NRA, Georgia Carry Firearms Course Instructor and NRA Certified Pistol Instructor.

Mia Anstine  – hunting guide and co-owner of Wolf Creek Outfitters.  Mia is also a certified archery and firearms instructor and writes for Women’s Outdoor News, Western Whitetail Magazine & other publications.

Ron Sites  – President and Executive Director of Fighter Country Partnership, the non-profit organization supporting the men, women, families and mission of Luke AFB.

Hour 2 Guest:

Colonel Richard Toliver – is a “Top Gun” fighter pilot and a protégé of the famed Tuskegee Airmen and the author of a number of books including “An Uncaged Eagle: True Freedom”!

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Tip Of The Week


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