Our guest today is Tom Hall. Tom is a firearms instructor with FASTERSavesLives which is practical violence response training that has been protecting and saving the lives of school children across the nation for a decade. Tom also helps to produce the monthly FASTER Challenge Program, using competition and fun target practice to help keep training and practice at the forefront of our minds. 1) FASTERSavesLives program - goals and structure 2) FASTER Challenge program. And how to purchase the awesome patches, including the #PolkaDotsAreMyCamo Patch! 3) Ohio Supreme Court decision and how it negatively impacts the successful work of FASTERSavesLives. 4) Tell us about your YouTube Channel and the Four Boxes of Liberty.

GunFreedomRadio EP336 Challenge Accepted with Tom Hall

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FASTERSavesLives which is practical violence response training that has been protecting and saving the lives of school children across the nation for a decade. He also works to produce the monthly FASTER Challenge Program, using competition and fun target practice to help keep training and practice at the forefront of our minds.

Tom is a 13-year veteran of the US Army where he specialized in legal work for US Special Forces doing international & operational law as well as UCMJ issues.
Tom graduated from THE Ohio State University with a a BA in History where he focused on US constitutional history

Says Tom, “I started teaching concealed carry after a friend wanted me to help him. I started for free because my mission was and still is, “the more armed educated law-abiding citizens there are the freer I am.””

Tom has been working with Buckeye Firearms Foundation and the FASTER Saves Lives program for 7 years and has been teaching the Foundations level of that program for 3 years.

GunFreedomRadio EP336 Challenge Accepted with Tom Hall – Originally Aired 8.16.21


Our guest today is Tom Hall. Tom is a firearms instructor with FASTERSavesLives which is practical violence response training that has been protecting and saving the lives of school children across the nation for a decade.

Tom also helps to produce the monthly FASTER Challenge Program, using competition and fun target practice to help keep training and practice at the forefront of our minds.

1) FASTERSavesLives program – goals and structure

2) FASTER Challenge program. And how to purchase the awesome patches, including the #PolkaDotsAreMyCamo Patch!

3) Ohio Supreme Court decision and how it negatively impacts the successful work of FASTERSavesLives.

4) Tell us about your YouTube Channel and the Four Boxes of Liberty.

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