Our guest today is Tyler Yzaguirre. Tyler is the President and founder of the Second Amendment Institute - a national non-profit organization that focuses on educational advocacy for the second amendment. He is also the national field director of Students for Self-Defense. a national college program that fights for self-defense rights of college students on campus. Tyler is the organizer of the Defending Freedom Action Summit in Arlington, VA. 1) Everybody is excited about in-person events coming back into fashion. Tell us about your DFAS! 2) Students being able to protect themselves on college campuses seems like a no-brainer. Most students are adults, and yet they are treated by colleges as children when self-defense is the topic. What have been some of your success stories? 3) Second Amendment Institute has a powerhouse Board of Directors and I (Cheryl) am proud to be one of them. Tell us a little bit about who is on your Board and what SAI’s mission is.

GunFreedomRadio EP311 Defending Freedom Action Summit with Tyler Yzaguirre

GunFreedomRadio EP311 Defending Freedom Action Summit with Tyler Yzaguirre – Originally Aired 5.28.21


Our guest today is Tyler Yzaguirre. Tyler is the President and founder of the Second Amendment Institute – a national non-profit organization that focuses on educational advocacy for the second amendment.

He is also the national field director of Students for Self-Defense. a national college program that fights for self-defense rights of college students on campus.

Tyler is the organizer of the Defending Freedom Action Summit in Arlington, VA.

1) Everybody is excited about in-person events coming back into fashion. Tell us about your DFAS!

2) Students being able to protect themselves on college campuses seems like a no-brainer. Most students are adults, and yet they are treated by colleges as children when self-defense is the topic. What have been some of your success stories?

3) Second Amendment Institute has a powerhouse Board of Directors and I (Cheryl) am proud to be one of them. Tell us a little bit about who is on your Board and what SAI’s mission is.

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