Our guest today is Erich Pratt. Erich is the Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America (GOA). GOA is a national grassroots organization representing more than two million Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms. Pratt is the author of a civil government textbook, “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”, written to teach civil government to high school students. 1) Our 2A Rights are clearly under assault, and it certainly feels as though we are in an all-hands-on-deck DEFCON situation. Is that an overstatement or a fair assessment? 2) With over 8.5 million brand new gun owners across the nation since this time last year, why would now be the time for Politicians to take such a hard stance against our rights to keep and bear arms? It seems tone-deaf at best. 3) We cannot protect an inheritance we don’t know anything about. Is this why you wrote “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”. 4) What is GOA doing that is different from other 2A Rights Organizations? 5) You are going to be speaking at a big event in FL on Saturday, March 20th  2021 being organized by FL Carry called Freedom Not Fear. Tell us about this event?

GunFreedomRadio EP292 Know Better Government with Erich Pratt

Segment Guest List

Gun Owners of America (GOA).

GOA is a national grassroots organization representing more than two million Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.

Pratt has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC’s Today Show, MSNBC, CNN, CBS and Fox Cable News.  His columns have appeared in newspapers across the country, including USA Today.

Pratt is the author of a civil government textbook, The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom, and uses it to teach civil government to high school students in the evenings.

And Erich just authored an important new book titled Firing Back: How to counter anti-gun propaganda and become a better 2A activist.

GunFreedomRadio EP292 Know Better Government with Erich Pratt – Originally Aired 3.15.21


Our guest today is Erich Pratt. Erich is the Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America (GOA).

GOA is a national grassroots organization representing more than two million Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.

Pratt is the author of a civil government textbook, “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”, written to teach civil government to high school students.

1) Our 2A Rights are clearly under assault, and it certainly feels as though we are in an all-hands-on-deck DEFCON situation. Is that an overstatement or a fair assessment?

2) With over 8.5 million brand new gun owners across the nation since this time last year, why would now be the time for Politicians to take such a hard stance against our rights to keep and bear arms? It seems tone-deaf at best.

3) We cannot protect an inheritance we don’t know anything about. Is this why you wrote “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”.

4) What is GOA doing that is different from other 2A Rights Organizations?

5) You are going to be speaking at a big event in FL on Saturday, March 20th  2021 being organized by FL Carry called Freedom Not Fear. Tell us about this event?

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