Our guest today is Mike Sullivan. Mike is the vice-president of Riders United for a Sovereign America (RidersUSA). Mike has been involved in grass roots activism for more than a decade. He is a firm believer in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and government BY the people. He has been a strong pro-gun rights activist and supporter of the right to keep and bear arms. Mike has been a supporter of many charitable causes in the biker community and although not a veteran he is also very active in many veteran related causes 1) 2A Activism: What is it? And do you think it differs from 2A Advocacy? - Why all Americans need to be involved and what can you individually do to make a difference. 2) In what ways do you see the anti-gun right groups trying to re-brand the "gun control" narrative? 3) Rallies have recently gotten a black-eye in the Media and it seems there is a push to try to make people afraid to participate in these kinds of gatherings. Let’s talk about what actually goes on at the Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally happening on Saturday, February 20th at the AZ State Capitol from 10:am – 2:pm. 4) If you had one thing you wanted to impart to the 8 million brand new first time gun owners across the US, what would it be?

GunFreedomRadio EP276 Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally with Mike Sullivan

Segment Guest List

GunFreedomRadio EP276 Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally with Mike Sullivan – Originally Aired 2.3.21


Our guest today is Mike Sullivan. Mike is the vice-president of Riders United for a Sovereign America (RidersUSA).

Mike has been involved in grass roots activism for more than a decade. He is a firm believer in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and government BY the people.

He has been a strong pro-gun rights activist and supporter of the right to keep and bear arms. Mike has been a supporter of many charitable causes in the biker community and although not a veteran he is also very active in many veteran related causes

1) 2A Activism: What is it? And do you think it differs from 2A Advocacy?

– Why all Americans need to be involved and what can you individually do to make a difference.

2) In what ways do you see the anti-gun right groups trying to re-brand the “gun control” narrative?

3) Rallies have recently gotten a black-eye in the Media and it seems there is a push to try to make people afraid to participate in these kinds of gatherings. Let’s talk about what actually goes on at the Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally happening on Saturday, February 20th at the AZ State Capitol from 10:am – 2:pm.

4) If you had one thing you wanted to impart to the 8 million brand new first time gun owners across the US, what would it be?

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