Our guest today is Alek Skarlatos. Alek is a specialist with the Oregon army national guard, and was one of three friends who stopped a terrorist attack on the 15:17 Train to Paris.
Now Alek is running for elected office in Oregon, seeking election to US Congress to represent Oregon’s 4th District.
1) First of all, thank you for your continued Service to our nation, and for stepping into the battle-zone that Politics can be. Was there a main issue or a main tipping point that caused you to decide to run for office in Oregon?
2) We’ve seen months and months now of the riots and unrest in many places across the country, but specifically the ongoing riots in Portland. Bring us up to speed on that situation? What has gone well and what could have been done better?
3) The citizens of Oregon have also seen their share of forest fires – some of which the news has portrayed as intentionally set as arson. And however a fire starts, it takes a tremendous amount of organized manpower to manage and put out. Do you see any proactive measures that could prevent future fires from becoming as large as the ones we’ve seen this year?
4) This next topic is about guns, but from the perspective of our Constitutional Protections. It is alarming how many Candidates are seeking Offices who have no intention of upholding their Constitutional Oath. Some are blatant and trying to win votes on the promise not to uphold their sworn oath, and others are being sneaky and sidestepping the issue during their campaigning, all while planning to continue their attack on our 2nd Amendment Rights the minute they get elected. Over the past several months 5 Million people have become new gun owners. How do you see that impacting the 2020 Election?