Our guest today is Todd Fossey. Todd is the Founder and Chief Instructor at Integrative Defense Strategies (IDS) in Minneapolis, MN. Todd is an FSI Certified Force Science Analyst and a former lecturer at medical schools, and has a 15-year background in psychophysiology offering him special insight into the psychological, physiological and perceptual effects of high-stress critical incidents and human performance. 1) Before we dive into the importance of how and why you train the way you do, let’s talk about a video you posted up recently about the silent weapons of psychological warfare and gaslighting in the War on Reason / Free Will / Critical Thinking. - Is this a Cold War or a Hot War? The riots across the nation might have taken this war “hot”. What are your thoughts? - What are our best tools of defense in this War on Reason? 2) Tell us about IDS and how its training is different? 3) What is a Citizen Defender? 4) Are there contextual differences between training for Law Enforcement or Military VS Citizen Defenders?

GunFreedomRadio EP228 The War on Reason with Todd Fossey

GunFreedomRadio EP228 The War on Reason with Todd Fossey – Originally Aired 7.22.20



Our guest today is Todd Fossey. Todd is the Founder and Chief Instructor at Integrative Defense Strategies (IDS) in Minneapolis, MN.

Todd is an FSI Certified Force Science Analyst and a former lecturer at medical schools, and has a 15-year background in psychophysiology offering him special insight into the psychological, physiological and perceptual effects of high-stress critical incidents and human performance.

1) Before we dive into the importance of how and why you train the way you do, let’s talk about a video you posted up recently about the silent weapons of psychological warfare and gaslighting in the War on Reason / Free Will / Critical Thinking.

– Is this a Cold War or a Hot War? The riots across the nation might have taken this war “hot”. What are your thoughts?

– What are our best tools of defense in this War on Reason?

2) Tell us about IDS and how its training is different?

3) What is a Citizen Defender?

4) Are there contextual differences between training for Law Enforcement or Military VS Citizen Defenders?

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