Dr. William Aprill Gun Freedom Radio Radio Show GuestDr. William Aprill is a licensed mental health professional with over 15 years experience across the continuum of care. He presently maintains a private practice and consultancy specializing in post-traumatic interventions and other disciplines.
William is a former deputy sheriff (Orleans Parish, LA, Criminal Sheriff’s Office) and Special Deputy US Marshal (Eastern District of Louisiana). He is a decorated competitive shooter and has taught civilian, law enforcement, and military personnel in various fighting skills since 1990.
William maintains an active schedule both as student and teacher, having been instructor-rated by several top-tier trainers and studying under many of the most influential members of the combative arts community.
Under the auspices of Aprill Risk Consulting, William has presented his material on violent criminals and their decision-making, defensive incident aftermath, mindset development and defensive preparedness locally and nationally, including at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI), Rangemaster Tactical Conference, Tactical Response Alumni Weekend, and at Paul-E-Palooza, the memorial conference and fundraiser for the family of the late Paul Gomez.