Hour #1 Guests: Kelli Ward - Dr. Kelli Ward, former Arizona State Senator, and 2018 Candidate for US Senator for the State of AZ. Michael Johns - National Tea Party movement co-founder and leader. Michael is also a health care executive and former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst. Robert Patillo - is an attorney, civil and human rights activist, talk-radio host, political commentator, and national speaker. He is here to talk with us about our Second Amendment Rights, as they pertain to Civil Rights.

GunFreedomRadio EP123 Hr.1 #GunVote

1:00pm, 18th August

Segment Guest List

Hour #2 Guests: Moses Sanchez - is a Republican Candidate for the office of Mayor of Phoenix, AZ, the 5th largest Metropolitan City in the United States. Moses is an immigrant, veteran, educator and business owner who wants to use his diversity in experience and commitment to service in the office of Mayor of Phoenix. John Annoni - the founder of Camp Compass & Hunting Awareness in Allentown, PA School District. Camp Compass is a nonprofit program developed for urban, disadvantaged youth making a difference in the inner city by providing hunting, fishing, archery, tutoring, social guidance, and other outdoor youth activities. Alan Gottlieb – the Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. The SAF was instrumental in the recent law suit involving Cody Wilson and the 3D Gun Printing issue. If all that you have heard that issue is from the media and politicians, you likely have heard it all mixed up and wrong, so Alan will help us sort out the facts from the fiction. Responsibly Armed Citizen Report Dan’s Calm-mentary This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net Sponsored by AZFirearms

GunFreedomRadio EP123 Hr.2 #GunVote

1:00pm, 18th August

Segment Guest List

Camp Compass  and Hunting Awareness , and is in his thirtieth year in Allentown, PA. Camp Compass is a nonprofit program developed for urban, disadvantaged youth making a difference in the inner city by providing hunting, fishing, archery, tutoring, social guidance, and other outdoor youth activities.

John was raised by his grandparents and surrounding relatives.  He is married to Annette Annoni and has one son named Landon.  All of his life, John has lived in Allentown, and because of his inner city and educational experience he was able to develop a trend setting youth development system.

Camp Compass is a nonprofit program developed for urban, disadvantaged youth by John Annoni. His staff of volunteer mentors are making a difference in the inner city by providing hunting, fishing, archery, tutoring, social guidance, and other outdoor youth activities. Camp Compass is a unified effort to introduce urban, middle & high school students to various outdoor activities. During these sessions students will be introduced and networked to community businesses and working role models. The consequence will be an educated and influenced population understanding conservation, sportsmen’s philosophies and their activities. The children involved are helped with life through a structured program fostering self esteem, providing role models and influencing positive choices.

After graduating from Kutztown University, Safari Club International’s A.W.L.S. school and working summer programs for Pool Wildlife Sanctuary, he confirmed his idea that many kids needed more of an opportunity to take part in what impacted his life –“real” outdoor experiences. Due to limited resources as a child, John was not able to hunt and fish often but that did not prevent him from trying to find ways to be away from the city.   Coming from a family of non-sportsmen John relied on outreach programs, books, relatives and neighbors to expose him to the outdoors and its activities.  His multi award winning program is set up to do just that take students and show them the many opportunities outside their urban environment.

GunFreedomRadio EP123 #GunVote, Originally Aired on 8.18.18

Hour #1 Guests:

Hour #2 Guests:

Responsibly Armed Citizen Report

Dan’s Calm-mentary

This show is a proud member of the Self Defense Radio Network. Find out more and check out all of the great content at SelfDefenseRadioNetwork.net

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