Our Guests: Sandra Richardson

Sandra Richardson, Victim of NY SAFE Act
Sandra Richardson

About Sandra Richardson

Sandra Richardson was the victim of the NY SAFE Act and a false report concerning her mental health.

Sandra is a gun owner, was the subject of a false NY SAFE Act report (New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013). Thankfully, the court determined the report against her was “arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion” and her rights were restored.

After that ordeal, she brought together data that clearly shows that the NY SAFE Act has created a very large barrier to mental health care and is ineffective in capturing its target population. Sandra published a peer-reviewed article in Archives of Epidemiology & Public Health Research on 10.31.23 titled Codified Barriers to Mental Health Care, an Example from New York State

Sandra has been an RN since 1982. After completing a Master of Science in Epidemiology in 2009, she worked in population health research until retiring in 2023.

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