Our Guests: Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins is the CEO of TheGunFood.com, an economic quick process ammunition supply company and a contributing Owner of GAFASTA, Georgia Firearms and Security Training Academy.
Patrick Collins

About Patrick Collins

Patrick Collins is the CEO of TheGunFood.com, an economic quick process ammunition supply company and a contributing Owner of GAFASTA, Georgia Firearms and Security Training Academy, and is very active in supporting gun rights on Local, State, and National levels.

Patrick started shooting competitively in the USPSA and IDPA Leagues. After becoming an instructor, he has given lessons in over a dozen states across the country. He is an NRA lifetime member and Certified Instructor as well as a Second Amendment Foundation and Georgia Carry lifetime member.

Patrick brings multiple years of shooting and instructing experience from new shooters, celebrities and their protective detail, to assisting Departments and Agencies with P.O.S.T. Certifications and Qualifications.

Patrick is a Mechanical Engineer by Degree, but passion for firearms comes in all forms of shooting.

He is a competitor in United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA), International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), and frequents Sporting Clays + 5 Stand (Competitive Shotgun Shooting).

Shows Featuring Patrick Collins


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