Our Guests: McKenna Beckham

McKenna Beckham 4.28.18
McKenna Beckham

About McKenna Beckham

McKenna Beckham – a freshman at Horizon High School in AZ and a competitive smallbore and highpower shooter.  She began shooting with her father at the age of 9.

At this writing, in 2018, McKenna has been shooting competitively for about 18 months and is passionate about the shooting sports. She is a member of the Arizona Junior High Power Team, which is a division of the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association, the State Association of the NRA, and has placed in or won her division in several competitions. She also maintains all of her own equipment as well as loads her own ammunition.

She has aspirations of attending a service academy, with the ultimate goal to serve her country in the United States Secret Service.

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