Our Guests: Judy Rhodes

Judy Rhodes DIVA WOW
Judy Rhodes

About Judy Rhodes

Judy Rhodes, Founder of DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide (DIVA-WOW)

Judy is a visionary, the voice of women in the outdoors and inspiration to women worldwide. Developing shooting and outdoor programs within DIVA WOW has encouraged women to find their outdoor passions.

Judy acquired her love of outdoors the old fashion way…she lived it, spending up to 250 days each year in the field! Judy, daughter of East Texas ranching parents, recognizes her passion of the outdoors from punching cows, riding horses and hunting wild game along the sides of her brothers. Sam, husband of 42 years, and Judy have introduced their two sons, Marcus and Harrison to conservation and outdoor experiences worldwide.

Shows Featuring Judy Rhodes


Places you can find Judy Rhodes

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