Our Guests: Jeff Knox

Jeff Knox

About Jeff Knox

Jeff Knox is the Director of The Firearms Coalition and founder of GunVoter.org.  He is a second generation rights activist, following in the footsteps of his father, gun rights legend, Neal Knox, who spent 40 years in the trenches of the gun rights battle.  Jeff is a regular columnist for Ammoland and Firearms News (formerly Shotgun News), as well as a contributor to a variety of other print and online publications. He also oversees production of a regular newsletter called the Hard Corps Report, and, along with his brother Chris, maintains FirearmsCoalition.org and GunVoter.org, as well as corresponding pages on Facebook.

Jeff is also a member of the Organizing Committee for the INCLUSIVE and GRASSROOTS 2nd Amendment Rally on Saturday, November 2, 2019 on the lawn of the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

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