Our Guests: Jan Wolbrecht of Incognito Wear IX

Jan Wolbrecht
Jan Wolbrecht of Incognito Wear IX

About Jan Wolbrecht of Incognito Wear IX

Jan Wolbrecht, Creator and Founder of Incognito Wear IX, fashionable and functional Concealed Carry Clothing.

There are so many reasons to protect yourself and others with functional concealed carry clothing. Incognito Wear IX makes it possible for every day people like you and me to hide in plain sight. Never be a victim because of style. Be GunChic.

From Jan,

“I grew up being a “tom-boy” – a wonderful opportunity of growing up in the city but also around horses, wondering through woods, home construction and design. In retrospect, it was perfect for someone who has accidentally entered into a “man’s industry” of firearms.
I’d consider myself a “newbie” to the shooting industry. In my journey of firearm education, safety and shooting, I found out that not only is shooting a lot of fun but there’s such a feeling of camaraderie , friendship and a willingness to help their fellow shooter.
I found that learning how to shoot and respect firearms is a great skill, just as driving a car. Once you know – it’s not really so scary.
So, with my husband’s urging, a new pistol, and the increase in “crimes of opportunity”; I progressed to concealed carry. I discovered that’s not so easy – especially for women. This idea of hiding a gun on body sparked my creativity once again as I set out to solve this challenge. With Spiritual guidance, and a desire to help others make that transition to on body carry; the creation of Incognito Wear IX developed.
My goal is to create stylish and truly functional casual clothing for the concealed carrier. Because so many women are getting into firearms (training) and obtaining concealed carry permits; we are creating clothing so you can protect yourself and still be feminine. Don’t let fashion keep you from being armed. That statement explains our tag line of “Never be a victim because of style”.”

Incognito Wear IX

Shows Featuring Jan Wolbrecht of Incognito Wear IX


Places you can find Jan Wolbrecht of Incognito Wear IX

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